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乔治亚州立大学助理教授Ling Xue:软件平台生态系统:非对称跨边网络效应和平台治理研究

2015年06月25日 00:00

乔治亚州立大学助理教授Ling Xue:软件平台生态系统:非对称跨边网络效应和平台治理研究

【主讲】乔治亚州立大学助理教授Ling Xue






【简历】Ling Xue is an assistant professor of information systems at the J.Mack Robinson College of Business at Georgia State University. He received his Ph.D. in management science and information systems from the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin. Before joining Georgia State University, he worked at University of North Carolina at Greensboro and University of Memphis. His research interests are in the areas of IS strategy and governance, IT business value, platform economics, electronic commerce, and inter-organizational systems. His papers have been published in Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Management Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Journal of Global Information Management, and proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems.

Ling Xue, Assistant Professor, Georgia State University: The Ecosystem of Software Platform: A Study of Asymmetric Cross-side Network Effects and Platform Governance

【Speaker】Ling Xue, Assistant Professor, Georgia State University

【Title】The Ecosystem of Software Platform: A Study of Asymmetric Cross-side Network Effects and Platform Governance

【Time】Thursday, June 25, 14.00-16.00

【Venue】Room 453, Weilun Building, Tsinghua SEM


【Organizer】Department of Management Science and Engineering

【Abstract】While past research on software platform has recognized the existence of cross-side network effects (CNEs) between the application side and the user side, little is known about the asymmetry between the CNEs of the two sides on each other. Informed by a perspective of complex adaptive systems, this study theorizes how the user-to-application CNE is temporally different from the application-to-user CNE, and how these CNEs may be influenced by the governance mechanisms of the platform. We empirically test our theoretical arguments using a longitudinal data about a leading software browser. Our first main finding is the temporal asymmetry between the user-to-application CNE and the application-to-user CNE. Specifically, while the increased installed base of end users has a primarily long-term impact on the growth of application number and variety, the increased number and variety of applications have primarily short-term impacts on the growth of end users. Our second finding is that the length of application review time weakens the long-term user-to-application effect, but not the short-term application-to-user effect. Third, we also find that frequent platform updating can significantly weaken both the long-term user-to-application CNE and the short-term application-to-user CNE. Our study generates important theoretical and practical implications.