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巴黎高等商学院助理教授LI Xitong:在线评论如何影响消费者在消费前“喜欢”优惠券

2015年01月08日 00:00

【主讲】巴黎高等商学院助理教授LI Xitong






【摘要】This paper examines how online reviews affect consumers to “like” a restaurant’s deal vouchers before they redeem the vouchers and consume the deal. We build a stylized Bayesian learning model and derive the hypotheses: (1) a higher average of online reviews causes more Facebook Likes and voucher sales, but only when the number of reviews is sufficiently large; (2) these effects are greater for restaurants with more reviews; and (3) these effects are greater for restaurants with a larger variance in the review ratings. Interestingly, the third hypothesis contrasts to the prediction by some established theories that variance is a negative moderating factor of the effect of online reviews. We test the hypotheses using data of Groupon and LivingSocial deals. The empirical results largely support our hypotheses. In particular, we find the effect of displayed Yelp ratings on Facebook Likes is greater when the variance of ratings is larger, whereas the effect on voucher sales does not significantly differ with the variance. The results imply that perhaps consumers are risk averse when they consider endorsing a product to their peers before consumption.

【简历】巴黎高等商学院助理教授LI Xitong老师的简历