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滑铁卢大学助理教授Hossein Abouee Mehrizi:多周期库存系统中的最佳联合补货和主动转运策略

2015年09月08日 00:00

【主讲】滑铁卢大学助理教授Hossein Abouee Mehrizi






【简历】Hossein Abouee Mehrizi老师的简历

Dr. Hossein Abouee Mehrizi在2011年从加拿大多伦多大学商学院获得他的博士学位。2011年至今在加拿大滑铁卢大学管理科学系任教,是管理科学系唯一的一名Canada Research Chair。尽管任教时间很短已经在Operations Research,Mathematical Methods of Operations Research,Manufacturing & Service Operations Management,Decision Sciences,Journal of Operational Research Society, Transportation Science,Health Care Management Science,Naval Research Logistics,Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering,International Journal of Science and Technology等国际著名刊物上发表多篇论文。

Hossein Abouee Mehrizi, Canada Research Chair in Healthcare Operations Management,Assistant Professor at University of Waterloo, Canada: Optimal Joint Replenishment and Proactive Transshipment Policies in a Multi-Period Inventory System

【Speaker】Hossein Abouee Mehrizi, Canada Research Chair in Healthcare Operations Management,Assistant Professor at University of Waterloo, Canada

【Title】Optimal Joint Replenishment and Proactive Transshipment Policies in a Multi-Period Inventory System

【Time】Tuesday, September 08, 10.00-12.00

【Venue】Room 453, Weilun Building, Tsinghua SEM


【Organizer】Department of Management Science and Engineering

【Abstract】Mismatch between supply and demand when the uncertainty of the demand is high and the supply lead time is relatively long such as seasonal good markets can result in high overstocking and understocking costs. In this paper we propose proactive transshipment as a powerful mechanism to mitigate the mismatch between the supply and demand. We consider a finite horizon multi-period inventory system where in each period two retailers have the options to replenish their inventory from a supplier (if there is any supply) or via proactive transshipment from the other retailer. Each retailer observes non-negative stochastic demand with general distribution during the season and incurs overstocking/understocking costs as well as costs for replenishment and transshipment which may be time dependent. We study a stochastic control problem where the objective is to determine the optimal joint replenishment and proactive transshipment policies so as to minimize the total expected cost over the season. We characterize the structure of the optimal policy, and show that, unlike the known order-up-to level inventory policy, the optimal ordering policy in each period is determined based on two switching curves. Similarly, the optimal transshipment policy is also identified by two switching curves. These four curves together partitions the optimal joint ordering and transshipment polices to eight regions where in each region the optimal policy is an order-up-curve policy. We demonstrate that the structure of the optimal policy holds for any known sequence and combination of ordering and proactive transshipment over time. We also show that in the optimal policy retailers try to share the risk of the overstocking and understocking costs. We investigate the benefits of transshipment under different circumstances through a numerical study.