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俄勒冈州立大学副教授Bin Zhu:产品搜索和网页搜索的不同行为研究

2017年12月05日 00:00

【主讲】俄勒冈州立大学副教授Bin Zhu


【时间】2017年12月14日 (周四)11:30-12:30




【简历】Bin Zhu老师的简历

【摘要】E-commerce websites such as amazon.com, Walmart.com, etc. serve as online retail stores where customers go for online shopping. People usually use two types of key terms to access an e-commerce website through search engine. They can either use product-related terms, such as the product category or the product brand, or use the name of the website itself. It is apparent that users using these two types of key words may have different expectations when arrive the e-commerce website and may revisit the website through different paths. While various studies have dedicated themselves to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of search engine marketing, we have not yet found studies that provide a thorough understanding of the difference between product searchers and website searchers when they visit an e-commerce website, while such understanding plays a crucial role in the design of the e-commerce website itself and the design of its marketing strategy. To bridge the gap, the paper investigates the behavioral difference between e-commerce website visitors using different types of key terms. We developed the hypotheses based on theories in purchase funnel ,carryover and spillover effect, and active and passive search. The hypotheses were tested using the data collected from a major e-commerce website from China. We believe that our results make significant academic contribution and have important practical implications.

Bin Zhu, Associate Professor, Oregon State University:The Different Behaviors between Product Searchers and Website Searchers

【Speaker】Bin Zhu, Associate Professor, Oregon State University

【Title】The Different Behaviors between Product Searchers and Website Searchers

【Time】Dec 14,Thursday, 11:30-12:30

【Venue】Room 404, Weilun Building, Tsinghua SEM

【Language 】English

【Organizer】Department of Management Science and Engineering