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 %O  =pI,7 How Large is the Retirement Consumption Drop in Italy?88(>Erich Battistin Agar Brugiavini Enrico Rettore Guglielmo Weber?P?4 0 Motivation  According to the life-cycle permanent income Hp consumers decide how much to consume, keeping in mind their future prospects They form intertemporal plans aimed at smoothing the (discounted) marginal utility of consumption over the life cycle Any period to period change in the actual level of the marginal utility of consumption is uncorrelated with past information available to the household. That is, it should be a result of unpredictable shocks. T33Z5 Motivation  This holds true also around retirement age: any change in the marginal utility of consumption should be uncorrelated with planned retirement behaviour. Recent micro evidence has emphasized that there is a one-off drop in consumption at the time of retirement that might be hard to reconcile with life-time optimizing behaviour (see for example Banks et al., 1998, Bernheim et al., 2001). This is known as the retirement consumption puzzle {33>  &H[6 Motivation JSome possible reasons mentioned in the literature: changes in preferences due to increased leisure shocks inducing retirement and affecting the level of consumption reduction in work-related expenditures (transport, meals out, clothing) increase in home production of services and/or more efficient purchases unexpectedly low pensions or liquidity problems (not in Italy, though  think of severance pay - liquidazione!) N3s~3  >!What Others Have DoneBanks, Blundell and Tanner (1998) use repeated cross section data from the FES  they estimate log-linear Euler equations from cohort data by IV (using lagged interest rates, consumption and income growth as instruments) and find unexplained negative residuals around typical male retirement ages (60-67). The largest residual obtains at age 63 (1.5%). Altogether, cumulated residual are in the 8-10% region. Non-separabilities between leisure and consumption can explain only part of the drop. >PP&32   D?"What Others Have DoneBernheim, Skinner and Weinberg (2001) use panel data from the PSID to estimate Euler equations. Retirement status is instrumented by taking age-specific predicted probabilities conditional on demographics (however cannot explain spikes at ages 62 and 65). Median drop is 14%, but higher for low wealth Sample is split in groups: low wealth-to-income households drop their consumption most.  31% of households reduce their consumption by at least 35 percentage points at retirement .HZ* 33Y4What Others Have DonePossible explanations and related literature: Many workers are surprised by inadequate resources when they retire (not consistent with life-cycle model & rational expectations). Work related expenses. Home production and/or more efficient shopping (Aguiar and Hurst, 2005, Hurd and Rohwedder, 2006). Miniaci et al (2003) estimate by OLS the Italian retirement consumption drop at 5.4%. 0.ZUZ,WP  P What We Do An alternative identification strategy: we estimate the change in consumption at retirement by exploiting the exogenous variability in the retirement decision induced by the eligibility rules of the Italian pension system. Information on consumption expenditures, eligibility for retirement and retirement status is obtained from the Bank of Italy Survey on Household Income and Wealth (SHIW). No need of panel data to achieve identification.JZ&33/ Punch-line Key result: household non-durable consumption drops by 9.8% because of male retirement. A larger drop estimated for total food (14.1%). Our strategy provides non-parametric identification only for a subpopulation of those who retire (those who retire at the time they become eligible). We estimate smaller drops for  poverty sample . Our estimates can be reconciled with utility optimization - in the cross section, drop in work-related expenses and leisure substitutes is large enough to explain changes in consumption. Z Z  3393The Causal ProblemLet S* be a variable denoting time to/from eligibility for retirement, negative values indicate that the subject is not yet eligible. Let R be the retirement status, R=1 for the retired and R=0 otherwise. Since retirement is an option available only to the eligible workers, the probability to retire is zero if S*<0 (and it is thus discontinuous at S*=0 ). Let (Y1,Y0) be the two potential household consumption expenditures corresponding to the head being retired or not retired, respectively, and let =Y1-Y0 . Let Y = Y0+R be observed consumption, where Ya"Y1 for households whose head is retired and Ya"Y0 otherwise.n333E333x %  33333  3"O&333333333 & 3 "  & 3 . 3& "  "  "  & 3 . 3 " J+Identification in a nutshell,Start by comparing expenditures for households marginally close to S*=0; since Y = Y0+R we have that Consider the difference around eligibility: f,/333333&3 3, " BT Identification in a nutshellKey identifying restriction (the mean consumption profile under the no-retirement alternative is smooth enough at zero): The result rests upon a weak regularity condition: if none of the heads were to retire no discontinuity in household consumption would take place at the time they become eligible (i.e. at S*=0)  see Hahn et al. (2001) and Battistin and Rettore (2006). This amounts to assuming that any idiosyncratic shocks relevant to the retirement choice and correlated with Y0 (e.g. health shocks) do not occur selectively at either side of the eligibility threshold. H`3  _,[  Identification in a nutshellBy using simple algebra we have: Estimators of the causal effect of retirement on consumption are analogue estimators obtained by replacing the quantities in the last expression by their empirical counterparts. Following Imbens and Angrist (1994) and Hanh et al. (2001), it can be shown that this expression coincides with the IV estimator obtained by instrumenting the endogenous variable R with the eligibility status defined from S*. %ZZZ!A > \7Endogeneity of S**. The S* variable may be the outcome of individual choices (time to enter the labour market, temporary exits, etc). This might casts doubts that our identification strategy is marred by an endogeneity problem. Consider the regression we use to get the numerator of the IV estimate (the reduced form): Y= 0 + 1 S* + 2 S*2 + 3 1(S*>0) + The mean of Y conditional on S* is: E{Y|S*} = 0 + 1 S* + 2 S*2 + 3 1(S*>0) + E{|S*} where the last term does not vanish if S* is endogenous. +Z'Z%Z5Z;Z %3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3333 & 3 "  *  " 333&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3333&3.3  3$"$$&$3$"$$*$$"$(( jLi e        ]8Endogeneity of S* . Nonetheless, the numerator of the IV estimand: E{Y|S* =0+}-E{Y|S* =0-} is not biased for 3, the drop in consumption at the eligibility cut-off point, provided that: E{|S*=0+}=E{|S*=0-}. Our identifying restriction is that the dependence between the unobservables  and S* is not discontinuously changing at the cut-off for eligibility. /ZZ`ZZZZZZ4"*"*"*"*"" "&3.3&3J"3&3.3&3.3  3&3.3&3.33M"*"&38" " $$        B      ^9DataC%The measurement of eligibilityG)D&The measurement of eligibility$H*  Retirement by Eligibility Status!! Measurement ErrorOWe observe a non-negligible fraction of retired individuals amongst the ineligibles (this regardless of having imputed the eligibility variable for some individuals): this we take as evidence of measurement error in the data. Measurement error bias in the estimation of causal parameters can be severe (see, for example, Battistin and Chesher, 2004). Misclassification of the retirement status R is unlikely to be important, as retired individuals are asked a detailed set of questions on their pension. Measurement error in the eligibility variable S* is most likely to be the explanation. hP (OMeasurement ErrorBased on what we observe in the data, measurement error in S* can not be classical. If S=S*+u, with u a zero-mean error orthogonal to S* we would not observe any discontinuity in the proportion of retired individual s at the cut-off point. A type of measurement error consistent with the discontinuity in the raw probability of R=1 we observe in the data is: where Z is an indicator for having S= S* and U is a classical measurement error.JiPRP< + ZY  %       # &Measurement ErrorParameter of interest BZ33P- Estimation :lA key feature of the Italian pension system is that many individuals retire as soon as they become eligible mml  :fFirst Stage E{R|S} = 0 + 1 S + 2 S2 + 3 1(S>0) 4 3 "*"*"*"*"* ;hReduced Form E{Y|S} = 0 + 1 S + 2 S2 + 3 1(S>0) 5 3 "  "  "  "     (Estimation resultsX3Estimation results.Specification testsIdentification strategy requires no change at S* = 0 in variables that affect consumption but are not affected by eligibility status. We show that this condition is met by education, age, size of the main residence and proportion of couples Exclusion restriction: family size. This is negatively affected by retirement induced by eligibility (-0.30). In particular, number of grown children cohabiting with their parents falls (-0.25). Possible explanation: individuals retire as soon as they become eligible as a way to let their children move out (they give them part of their severance pay) Hence actual consumption drop is even smaller than 9.8%!Z<Economic InterpretationIn the US, consumption drop is largest among the low pre-retirement wealth (BSW). We estimate a pre-eligibility wealth equation, and use it to predict for the whole sample (w_fit). We show this measure does not change at S*=0. We select those households who w_fit is in the bottom third (w_poor). We call this  poverty sample We estimate small and insignificant effects of eligibility-induced retirement for this poverty sample Our estimated consumption drop is unlikely to be due to lack of financial resources!bZ3P33>P;Back of the Envelope StuffA causal effect of retirement on consumption expenditures is not surprising per se. The question is whether this is consistent with life-time optimizing behavior. A consumption drop can occur if utility is not additively separable in consumption and leisure: since leisure increases abruptly at retirement, consumption increases or decreases depending on how leisure affects the marginal utility of consumption. For instance, if utility is Cobb-Douglas in male leisure and non-durable consumption, and individuals work full time prior to retirement, our estimated 9.8% consumption drop implies an elasticity of intertemporal substitution of 0.84XZ= y6=Work-Related ExpensesOne good model is restrictive: Some goods are leisure substitutes (e.g. food out) or work-related (e.g. travel, clothing), other leisure complements (food in, home heating). We explore which components of household expenditure drive the fall that we have documented. We use data from the 2002 Survey of Family Budgets: this contains no information on eligibility, but detailed information on household expenditures.ZR/Work-Related Expenses We compare expenditures for households whose head s age is 50-54 and 65-69. Heads in the latter group are mostly retired, mostly employed in the former group. The comparison is corrected for composition differences with respect to region of residence, number of equivalent adults and size of the main residence. Support issues turn out to be of no concern. The overall drop is 15.6% : 50% larger than the estimated retirement consumption drop (9.8%). A third of the drop is due to age, two thirds to retirement.|</3=3@Q.S0Work-Related Expenses Total difference is - 241 euros (-15.6%). Mostly accounted for by meals out (-36), clothing (-58), transport (-76). Overall 170 out of 241  drop is accounted for by  work-related expenses . Our estimates imply that consumption should fall by 151 Euros because of eligibility-induced retirement. Work-related expenses are less important for manual workers (canteen meals and overalls normally provided by the employer  public transport is heavily subsidized). This may explain why there is no drop for the poverty sample! T1 Conclusions IWe estimate that non-durable consumption falls by 9.8% in Italy because of retirement. This drop is lower than in the US (14 %) but comparable to the UK (8%-10%, non-durable consumption). Our estimates can be reconciled with utility optimization: in the cross section, drop in work-related expenses is large enough to explain it./D`abcdefghi j k l m nopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ !"#$%&   0` ̙33` ` ff3333f` 333MMM` f` f` 3>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> IA(    6 P  d,Fare clic per modificare lo stile del titolo--=  0ȃ   uFare clic per modificare gli stili del testo dello schema Secondo livello Terzo livello Quarto livello Quinto livello:v  0슒 ``  R*   0  `   T*   0Ԕ `   T* H  0޽h ? ̙33 *Struttura predefinita1 0 pxA(  x x 0$ B   T*  x 0X+  wB  V* d x c $ ?qU  = x 00  K  uFare clic per modificare gli stili del testo dello schema Secondo livello Terzo livello Quarto livello Quinto livello:v x 68 .   T*  x 69  w.  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H  0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.B]+D=' K = @B +   0 .&  P(  P P  6*:"`&  &x V { | P0  `A ? ?"`} h   P H    f  P 08c"`"H P 0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.B]+D=' K = @B +   0 .&@ X(  X X  6l@:"`&  &xs V { | X0  `A n? ?"`< n   X HP    f  X 08c"`H X 0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.B]+D=' K = @B +   0 @l0(  lx l c $@P   x l c $4{T+  H l 0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.jW7+D=' K = @B +  0 Pp0(  px p c $hZ:P   x p c $o: : H p 0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.jf+D=' K = @B +  0 `t*(  t~ t s *t   l t 0$ MTi pWe use data from the Bank of Italy  Survey oh Household Income and Wealth - SHIW. This is a survey of repeated cross sections running since 1987 to 2004. It contains a panel component, that is only exploited for consistency checks . We focus the attention on waves 1993 to 2004. Consumption is based on retrospective questions on Food at home plus meals regularly consumed out of the home (food) Total spending, net of rent and key durable goods purchases (non-durable consumption) Retirement is based on the answer to two questions: if the person reports that he was not working for the most part of the year, and then that he was a  job-pensioner , he is considered to be retired from work. lLZZZL<3@3  H t 0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.B]+D=' K = @B +  0 J(  ~  s *:  :   0x: T ,The eligibility variable S* has been derived from SHIW data for the period 1993-2002 using self-reported information on age, gender, seniority (i.e. accrued years of contributions), retirement status and age at retirement. In the two-dimensional space defined by seniority and age we calculated for all individuals in the sample the distance from eligibility accounting for changes in the eligibility rules introduced by reforms over time (by gender and separately for private sector, public sector and self-employed). We use observations referring to household heads within a 10-year band to/from eligibility. Observations on subjects at S*=0 are dropped because their retirement status is not uniquely identified. Z ]33 3(33 R3 M  xOtuH  0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.B]+D=' K = @B +  0 .& (      S :p    H   0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.B]+D=' K = @B +  0 j(    0r: Ti .~For retired individuals: time elapsed since eligibility has been calculated using the rule operating at the time they retired (basically using information on age at retirement). For workers: time to eligibility has been calculated using the rule operating at the time they are interviewed. Accrued years of contributions have been imputed, when missing, either by a consistency check exploiting the panel dimension of the data or by using self-reported age of entry in the labour market. In 1993 we dropped all non-panel observations, because of missing information on both contributions and age of labour market entry (for the retired) fZ333  xOtu  H:   : H  0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.B]+D=' K = @B +  0  p4(  p  p  `A ?"`h~   p <:L@ l    p 0$:jc Rdistance to/from eligibility 2H p 0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.B]+D=' K = @B +  0 !(    ZA "`j   0:jZ6 i1distance to/from eligibility by retirement status2(22H  0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.B]+D=' K = @B +  0 P\(  \ \0  `A ? ?4   \ H    H \ 0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.B]+D=' K = @B +  0 ``<(  `~ ` s *    ~ ` s *,z'  H ` 0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.B]+D=' K = @B +=  0 TLh(  h~ h s *#   ~ h s *%,<   h0 TA ? ?F    H h 0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.B]+D=' K = @B +  0  (  ~  s *8     s *,E'z     0 TA }? ? } ~  0U 2' \Identification result: if the two groups Z=0 and Z=1 are not systematically different with respect to (Y,S*,U), the following ratio correctly identifies the parameter of interest As an implication, under the assumptions made on the measurement error, the IV estimator obtained by instrumenting R by 1(S>0) recovers the causal effect of interest.t]9. 23{3) ] =>?@  0 TA ? ?6 "f   f  08c"` )6 H  0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.B]+D=' K = @B +  0  P((  (~ ( s *]wG    ( 0|c TIY 1 Select couples and single males, set the household head to the male and define retired households as those whose male head is retired (we do not consider retirement of the spouse at this stage). Use observations for heads within a 10-year band to/from eligibility. Observations on households at S=0 are not used in the estimation because their eligibility status can not be uniquely identified. Take averages of household consumption on non-durables from SHIW and proportions of retired heads by S (120 cells from -10 to 10, excluding 0) and by year. Get IV estimates instrumenting retirement with eligibility status, the latter being defined as 1(S>0). Pool different waves adding time dummies and use polynomials in S throughout. Adjust standard errors for clustering and to account for differences in cell size. $Z1Z2 2 H ( 0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.B]+D=' K = @B + # 0 (  r  S |RS   S  r  S US  S  Z  C 2Afirst_stagecMH  0޽h ? ̙3380___PPT10.v   0  *(    `A den10"`    6y"`d     0|*j  < 2 H  0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.jI+D=' K = @B +  0   (    `A num10"`   T  "`d   H  0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.j-=+D=' K = @B +  0 #X(   GmV   #""mwV    ZԘ_ж_ж? V  M0.059 @`  Z,_ж_ж?  V  M-1.91 @`  Z_ж_ж?H V  N0.0001 @`  Z_ж_ж?b H V  O-0.0003 @`  Z_ж_ж?G bV  cS2 .  @`  Zh_ж_ж?  M0.043 @`  Z\_ж_ж?   M-2.05 @`  Z\_ж_ж?H    N0.0027 @`  Z_ж_ж?bH  O-0.0055 @`  Z_ж_ж?Gb  WS$  @`  T_ж_ж?' M0.085 @`  T_ж_ж? ' M-1.74 @`  T _ж_ж?H '  N0.0567 @`  T_ж_ж?b'H  O-0.0983 @`  T_ж_ж?G'b T Retirement   @`   <$?m' Qp-value @`   <0.? m' Pt-stat @`   <x?H m ' S Std. Err.   @`   <`@?bmH ' jCoeff. @`   <:?Gmb' Z3  @``B O 0o ?GmmZB Q s *1 ?G''ZB R s *1 ?GZB S s *1 ?G  `B ^ 0o ?GV V `B _ 0o ?GmGV ZB ` s *1 ?bmbV ZB a s *1 ?H mH V ZB b s *1 ? m V ZB c s *1 ?mV `B d 0o ?mV   HHM w G     0N/IO w5IV estimates using logged expenditure on non-durables&6 2)3 3H  0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.B]+D=' K = @B +  0 ##\X(  \ GmV  \# #""mwV   \ Zo_ж_ж? V  M0.561 @` \ Z40_ж_ж?  V  M-0.58 @` \ Zlz_ж_ж?H V  O0.00014 @` \ Z_ж_ж?b H V  P-0.00008   @` \ Z_ж_ж?G bV  cS2 .  @` \ Z_ж_ж?  M0.287 @`  \ Z̞_ж_ж?   M-1.07 @`  \ Z(R_ж_ж?H    N0.0026 @`  \ Z_ж_ж?bH  O-0.0028 @`  \ Z|_ж_ж?Gb  WS$  @`  \ T0_ж_ж?' M0.011 @` \ TH_ж_ж? ' M-2.59 @` \ TH_ж_ж?H '  N0.0544 @` \ T_ж_ж?b'H  O-0.1409 @` \ TP_ж_ж?G'b T Retirement   @` \ <?m' Qp-value @` \ <? m' Pt-stat @` \ <?H m ' S Std. Err.   @` \ < ?bmH ' jCoeff. @` \ <?Gmb' Z3  @``B \ 0o ?GmmZB \ s *1 ?G''ZB \ s *1 ?GZB \ s *1 ?G  `B \ 0o ?GV V `B \ 0o ?GmGV ZB \ s *1 ?bmbV ZB \ s *1 ?H mH V ZB \ s *1 ? m V ZB  \ s *1 ?mV `B !\ 0o ?mV  "\ H w G    #\ 0 o-IV estimates using logged expenditure on food&. 2)33H \ 0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.B]+D=' K = @B +  0 P<(  ~  s *   ~  s *LM'Yw  H  0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.B]+D=' K = @B + % 0 <(  ~  s *dK   K  ~  s *0]M'Yw K  H  0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.B]+D=' K = @B + $ 0 <(  ~  s *S   S  ~  s *$S M'Yw S  H  0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.B]+D=' K = @B + & 0  <(   ~   s *t   S  ~   s *d:/'YY S  H   0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.B]+D=' K = @B +  0 @T(  @~ @ s *A    @ BA M'w  H @ 0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.B]+D=' K = @B +~S   0 RR`f-%R(  ,Q qw# - #"F: 5454554554545wY# x- ZX_ж_ж ?"`p# U0.000 @` v- Zph_ж_ж ?"`p  O0.568 @` t- Zxq_ж_ж ?"`p   U0.000 @` r- Zz_ж_ж ?"`pQ   U0.006 @` p- Z_ж_ж ?"`p Q  U0.000 @` n- Z@_ж_ж ?"`p  O0.079 @` l- Z_ж_ж ?"`p U0.000 @` j- Z_ж_ж ?"`p~ U0.000 @` h- ZX_ж_ж ?"`pI~ U0.015 @` f- Z԰_ж_ж ?"`pI U0.000 @` d- Z_ж_ж ?"`p O0.503 @` b- Zp_ж_ж ?"`p U0.000 @` `- < ?"`pw SP-value @` \- Z_ж_ж ?"`@ p# W-16.78% @` Z- Z_ж_ж ?"`@ p P-4.95% @` X- Z@_ж_ж ?"`@ p  W-17.79% @` V- Z_ж_ж ?"`@ Q p  V-7.28% @` T- Z_ж_ж ?"`@  pQ  W-23.66% @` R- Z _ж_ж ?"`@ p  Q-11.47% @` P- Z _ж_ж ?"`@ p W-29.25% @` N- Z _ж_ж ?"`@ ~p W-32.83% @` L- Z _ж_ж ?"`@ Ip~ W-12.31% @` J- Z  _ж_ж ?"`@ pI W-41.09% @` H- Z1 _ж_ж ?"`@ p P-1.32% @` F- ZH9 _ж_ж ?"`@ p W-15.60% @` D- <B  ?"`@ wp PDrop @` :- T+ ?"`4 # P11.18% @` 8- TT ?"`4  O3.33% @` 6- T] ?"`4  O3.27% @` 4- T| ?"`4Q  O7.76% @` 2- To ?"`4 Q  P20.80% @` 0- Tx ?"`4   O2.99% @` .- T ?"`4  P12.85% @` ,- T ?"`4~  O1.57% @` *- T ?"`4I ~ O1.45% @` (- T ?"`4 I O5.62% @` &- T ?"`4  P29.18% @` $- T ?"`4  V  @` "- TL ?"`4w  QShare @` , Z _ж_ж?# P11.02% @` , TT ? @ # b 173 &" @` , B@ ?q4# QOther3 @` , Z _ж_ж?  O3.75% @` , Tt ? @  `52 &" @` , B ?q 4 \Housing Services3 @` , ZT _ж_ж?   O3.19% @` , T ? @  `50 &" @` , B ?q 4  RPhones3 @` , Z4 _ж_ж?Q   O8.52% @` , T< ? Q @  b 120 &" @` , B) ?qQ 4  SHeating3 @` , Z2 _ж_ж? Q  O18.8% @` , T< ?  @ Q  b 321 &" @` , BPE ?q 4Q  U Transport  3 @` , ZN _ж_ж?  O3.13% @` , TX ? @   `46 &" @` , BR ?q4  ]Personal Services3 @` , Zj _ж_ж? P10.77% @` , THt ? @  b 198 &" @` , B4n ?q4 TClothing  3 @` , Z _ж_ж?~ O1.25% @` , T, ? ~@  `24 &" @` , Bę ?q~4 STobacco3 @` , Z̢ _ж_ж?I~ O1.50% @` , Th ? I@ ~ `22 &" @` , BT ?qI4~ SAlcohol3 @` , Z _ж_ж?I O3.92% @` , T ? @ I `87 &" @` , B ?q4I U Meals out  3 @` , ZH _ж_ж? P34.12% @` , TL ? @  b 450 &" @` , B ?q4 U Food Home  3 @` , Z _ж_ж? 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That is, it should be a result of unpredictable shocks. T33Z5 Motivation  This holds true also around retirement age: any change in the marginal utility of consumption should be uncorrelated with planned retirement behaviour. Recent micro evidence has emphasized that there is a one-off drop in consumption at the time of retirement that might be hard to reconcile with life-time optimizing behaviour (see for example Banks et al., 1998, Bernheim et al., 2001). This is known as the retirement consumption puzzle {33>  &H[6 MotivRoot EntrydO) Qnz PicturesdCurrent User)SummaryInformation(LT{      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz|}~  !"#_semsem՜.+,D՜.+,    Presentazione su schermod(' -Times New RomanArialStruttura predefinitaMathType 5.0 EquationGrafication JSome possible reasons mentioned in the literature: changes in preferences due to increased leisure shocks inducing retirement and affecting the level of consumption reduction in work-related expenditures (transport, meals out, clothing) increase in home production of services and/or more efficient purchases unexpectedly low pensions or liquidity problems (not in Italy, though  think of severance pay - liquidazione!) N3s~3  >!What Others Have DoneBanks, Blundell and Tanner (1998) use repeated cross section data from the FES  they estimate log-linear Euler equations from cohort data by IV (using lagged interest rates, consumption and income growth as instruments) and find unexplained negative residuals around typical male retirement ages (60-67). The largest residual obtains at age 63 (1.5%). Altogether, cumulated residual are in the 8-10% region. Non-separabilities between leisure and consumption can explain only part of the drop. >PP&32   D?"What Others Have DoneBernheim, Skinner and Weinberg (2001) use panel data from the PSID to estimate Euler equations. Retirement status is instrumented by taking age-specific predicted probabilities conditional on demographics (however cannot explain spikes at ages 62 and 65). Median drop is 14%, but higher for low wealth Sample is split in groups: low wealth-to-income households drop their consumption most.  31% of households reduce their consumption by at least 35 percentage points at retirement .HZ* 33Y4What Others Have DonePossible explanations and related literature: Many workers are surprised by inadequate resources when they retire (not consistent with life-cycle model & rational expectations). Work related expenses. Home production and/or more efficient shopping (Aguiar and Hurst, 2005, Hurd and Rohwedder, 2006). Miniaci et al (2003) estimate by OLS the Italian retirement consumption drop at 5.4%. 0.ZUZ,WP  P What We Do An alternative identification strategy: we estimate the change in consumption at retirement by exploiting the exogenous variability in the retirement decision induced by the eligibility rules of the Italian pension system. Information on consumption expenditures, eligibility for retirement and retirement status is obtained from the Bank of Italy Survey on Household Income and Wealth (SHIW). No need of panel data to achieve identification.JZ&33/ Punch-line Key result: household non-durable consumption drops by 9.8% because of male retirement. A larger drop estimated for total food (14.1%). Our strategy provides non-parametric identification only for a subpopulation of those who retire (those who retire at the time they become eligible). We estimate smaller drops for  poverty sample . Our estimates can be reconciled with utility optimization - in the cross section, drop in work-related expenses and leisure substitutes is large enough to explain changes in consumption. Z Z  3393The Causal ProblemLet S* be a variable denoting time to/from eligibility for retirement, negative values indicate that the subject is not yet eligible. Let R be the retirement status, R=1 for the retired and R=0 otherwise. Since retirement is an option available only to the eligible workers, the probability to retire is zero if S*<0 (and it is thus discontinuous at S*=0 ). Let (Y1,Y0) be the two potential household consumption expenditures corresponding to the head being retired or not retired, respectively, and let =Y1-Y0 . Let Y = Y0+R be observed consumption, where Ya"Y1 for households whose head is retired and Ya"Y0 otherwise.n333E333x %  33333  3"O&333333333 & 3 "  & 3 . 3& "  "  "  & 3 . 3 " J+Identification in a nutshell,Start by comparing expenditures for households marginally close to S*=0; since Y = Y0+R we have that Consider the difference around eligibility: f,/333333&3 3, " BT Identification in a nutshellKey identifying restriction (the mean consumption profile under the no-retirement alternative is smooth enough at zero): The result rests upon a weak regularity condition: if none of the heads were to retire no discontinuity in household consumption would take place at the time they become eligible (i.e. at S*=0)  see Hahn et al. (2001) and Battistin and Rettore (2006). This amounts to assuming that any idiosyncratic shocks relevant to the retirement choice and correlated with Y0 (e.g. health shocks) do not occur selectively at either side of the eligibility threshold. H`3  _,[  Identification in a nutshellBy using simple algebra we have: Estimators of the causal effect of retirement on consumption are analogue estimators obtained by replacing the quantities in the last expression by their empirical counterparts. Following Imbens and Angrist (1994) and Hanh et al. (2001), it can be shown that this expression coincides with the IV estimator obtained by instrumenting the endogenous variable R with the eligibility status defined from S*. %ZZZ!A > \7Endogeneity of S**. The S* variable may be the outcome of individual choices (time to enter the labour market, temporary exits, etc). This might casts doubts that our identification strategy is marred by an endogeneity problem. Consider the regression we use to get the numerator of the IV estimate (the reduced form): Y= 0 + 1 S* + 2 S*2 + 3 1(S*>0) + The mean of Y conditional on S* is: E{Y|S*} = 0 + 1 S* + 2 S*2 + 3 1(S*>0) + E{|S*} where the last term does not vanish if S* is endogenous. +Z'Z%Z5Z;Z %3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3333 & 3 "  *  " 333&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3333&3.3  3$"$$&$3$"$$*$$"$(( jLi e        ]8Endogeneity of S* . Nonetheless, the numerator of the IV estimand: E{Y|S* =0+}-E{Y|S* =0-} is not biased for 3, the drop in consumption at the eligibility cut-off point, provided that: E{|S*=0+}=E{|S*=0-}. Our identifying restriction is that the dependence between the unobservables  and S* is not discontinuously changing at the cut-off for eligibility. /ZZ`ZZZZZZ4"*"*"*"*"" "&3.3&3J"3&3.3&3.3  3&3.3&3.33M"*"&38" " $$        B      ^9Data>The Reform Process@Two major reforms in 1992 (Amato) and 1995 (Dini) Gradually moving from defined benefit to (notionally) defined contribution Lots of additional minor changes have been made nearly every year since 1992 Further changes will take place in 2008 (restrictions on early retirement)R)    x  G) C%The measurement of eligibilityD&The measurement of eligibility$ H*  Retirement by Eligibility Status!! Measurement ErrorOWe observe a non-negligible fraction of retired individuals amongst the ineligibles (this regardless of having imputed the eligibility variable for some individuals): this we take as evidence of measurement error in the data. Measurement error bias in the estimation of causal parameters can be severe (see, for example, Battistin and Chesher, 2004). Misclassification of the retirement status R is unlikely to be important, as retired individuals are asked a detailed set of questions on their pension. Measurement error in the eligibility variable S* is most likely to be the explanation. hP (OMeasurement ErrorBased on what we observe in the data, measurement error in S* can not be classical. If S=S*+u, with u a zero-mean error orthogonal to S* we would not observe any discontinuity in the proportion of retired individual s at the cut-off point. A type of measurement error consistent with the discontinuity in the raw probability of R=1 we observe in the data is: where Z is an indicator for having S= S* and U is a classical measurement error.JiPRP< + ZY  %       # &Measurement ErrorParameter of interest BZ33P- Estimation :lA key feature of the Italian pension system is that many individuals retire as soon as they become eligible mml  :fFirst Stage E{R|S} = 0 + 1 S + 2 S2 + 3 1(S>0) 4 3 "*"*"*"*"* ;hReduced Form E{Y|S} = 0 + 1 S + 2 S2 + 3 1(S>0) 5 3 "  "  "  "     (Estimation resultsX3Estimation results.Specification testsIdentification strategy requires no change at S* = 0 in variables that affect consumption but are not affected by eligibility status. We show that this condition is met by education, age, size of the main residence and proportion of couples Exclusion restriction: family size. This is negatively affected by retirement induced by eligibility (-0.30). In particular, number of grown children cohabiting with their parents falls (-0.25). Possible explanation: individuals retire as soon as they become eligible as a way to let their children move out (they give them part of their severance pay) Hence actual consumption drop is even smaller than 9.8%!Z<Economic InterpretationIn the US, consumption drop is largest among the low pre-retirement wealth (BSW). We estimate a pre-eligibility wealth equation, and use it to predict for the whole sample (w_fit). We show this measure does not change at S*=0. We select those households who w_fit is in the bottom third (w_poor). We call this  poverty sample We estimate small and insignificant effects of eligibility-induced retirement for this poverty sample Our estimated consumption drop is unlikely to be due to lack of financial resources!bZ3P33>P;Back of the Envelope StuffA causal effect of retirement on consumption expenditures is not surprising per se. The question is whether this is consistent with life-time optimizing behavior. A consumption drop can occur if utility is not additively separable in consumption and leisure: since leisure increases abruptly at retirement, consumption increases or decreases depending on how leisure affects the marginal utility of consumption. For instance, if utility is Cobb-Douglas in male leisure and non-durable consumption, and individuals work full time prior to retirement, our estimated 9.8% consumption drop implies an elasticity of intertemporal substitution of 0.84XZ= y6=Work-Related ExpensesOne good model is restrictive: Some goods are leisure substitutes (e.g. food out) or work-related (e.g. travel, clothing), other leisure complements (food in, home heating). We explore which components of household expenditure drive the fall that we have documented. We use data from the 2002 Survey of Family Budgets: this contains no information on eligibility, but detailed information on household expenditures.ZR/Work-Related Expenses We compare expenditures for households whose head s age is 50-54 and 65-69. Heads in the latter group are mostly retired, mostly employed in the former group. The comparison is corrected for composition differences with respect to region of residence, number of equivalent adults and size of the main residence. Support issues turn out to be of no concern. The overall drop is 15.6% : 50% larger than the estimated retirement consumption drop (9.8%). A third of the drop is due to age, two thirds to retirement.|</3=3@Q. S0Work-Related Expenses Total difference is - 241 euros (-15.6%). Mostly accounted for by meals out (-36), clothing (-58), transport (-76). Overall 170 out of 241  drop is accounted for by  work-related expenses . Our estimates imply that consumption should fall by 151 Euros because of eligibility-induced retirement. Work-related expenses are less important for manual workers (canteen meals and overalls normally provided by the employer  public transport is heavily subsidized). This may explain why there is no drop for the poverty sample! T1 Conclusions IWe estimate that non-durable consumption falls by 9.8% in Italy because of retirement. This drop is lower than in the US (14 %) but comparable to the UK (8%-10%, non-durable consumption). Our estimates can be reconciled with utility optimization: in the cross section, drop in work-related expenses is large enough to explain it./D`abcdefghi j k l m nopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ !"#$%&  0 0(n(  ( (  6dkwS" z  w ~ ( s *p2} w H ( 0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.E%8+D=' y= @B +r8>8P1Ї(x/ _A F 8 How Large is the Retirement Consumption Drop in Italy? Motivation Motivation MotivationWhat Others Have DoneWhat Others Have DoneWhat Others Have Done What We Do Punch-lineThe Causal ProblemIdentification in a nutshellIdentification in a nutshellIdentification in a nutshellEndogeneity of S*Endogeneity of S*DataThe Reform ProcessDiapositiva 18The measurement of eligibilityThe measurement of eligibilityDiapositiva 21Diapositiva 22!Retirement by Eligibility StatusMeasurement ErrorMeasurement ErrorMeasurement Error EstimationmA key feature of the Italian pension system is that many individuals retire as soon as they become eligible 8First Stage E{R|S} = α0 + α1 S + α2 S2 + α3 1(S>0) 9Reduced Form E{Y|S} = δ0 + δ1 S + δ2 S2 + δ3 1(S>0) Estimation resultsEstimation resultsSpecification testsEconomic InterpretationBack of the Envelope StuffWork-Related ExpensesWork-Related ExpensesDiapositiva 38Work-Related Expenses Conclusions Caratteri utilizzatiModello strutturaServer OLE incorporatiTitoli diapositive(476:;>@BCEFKMNP$QRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~2$ae7 ;'2$e' KCc02$(3jC9XkN2$6<"CX%b$o|[7,9< 6b$J3D!5C2$ʍ>H Jo0 "$$oyu)HF ~<2$ez,k.H2$Wוd➫ IvL2$K l\7"I q4P2$x(oQȧ+T2$kkS x9V2$.MDXnV$':]2$RF gmxZ 0AA@3f@ ʚ;Nh8ʚ;g4EdEd\ 0ppp@ <4dddd w 0Tr<4BdBd w 0TrH<4!d!d w 0Tria___PPT10A pp. Casa.6?  %O  =sI,7 How Large is the Retirement Consumption Drop in Italy?88(>Erich Battistin Agar Brugiavini Enrico Rettore Guglielmo Weber?P?4 0 Motivation  According to the life-cycle permanent income Hp consumers decide how much to consume, keeping in mind their future prospects They form intertemporal plans aimed at smoothing the (discounted) marginal utility of consumption over the life cycle Any period to period change in the actual level of the marginal utility of consumption is uncorrelated with past information available to the household. That is, it should be a result of unpredictable shocks. T33Z5 Motivation  This holds true also around retirement age: any change in the marginal utility of consumption should be uncorrelated with planned retirement behaviour. Recent micro evidence has emphasized that there is a one-off drop in consumption at the time of retirement that might be hard to reconcile with life-time optimizing behaviour (see for example Banks et al., 1998, Bernheim et al., 2001). This is known as the retirement consumption puzzle {33>  &H[6 Motivation JSome possible reasons mentioned in the literature: changes in preferences due to increased leisure shocks inducing retirement and affecting the level of consumption reduction in work-related expenditures (transport, meals out, clothing) increase in home production of services and/or more efficient purchases unexpectedly low pensions or liquidity problems (not in Italy, though  think of severance pay - liquidazione!) N3s~3  >!What Others Have DoneBanks, Blundell and Tanner (1998) use repeated cross section data from the FES  they estimate log-linear Euler equations from cohort data by IV (using lagged interest rates, consumption and income growth as instruments) and find unexplained negative residuals around typical male retirement ages (60-67). The largest residual obtains at age 63 (1.5%). Altogether, cumulated residual are in the 8-10% region. Non-separabilities between leisure and consumption can explain only part of the drop. >PP&32   D?"What Others Have DoneBernheim, Skinner and Weinberg (2001) use panel data from the PSID to estimate Euler equations. Retirement status is instrumented by taking age-specific predicted probabilities conditional on demographics (however cannot explain spikes at ages 62 and 65). Median drop is 14%, but higher for low wealth Sample is split in groups: low wealth-to-income households drop their consumption most.  31% of households reduce their consumption by at least 35 percentage points at retirement .HZ* 33Y4What Others Have DonePossible explanations and related literature: Many workers are surprised by inadequate resources when they retire (not consistent with life-cycle model & rational expectations). Work related expenses. Home production and/or more efficient shopping (Aguiar and Hurst, 2005, Hurd and Rohwedder, 2006). Miniaci et al (2003) estimate by OLS the Italian retirement consumption drop at 5.4%. 0.ZUZ,WP  P What We Do An alternative identification strategy: we estimate the change in consumption at retirement by exploiting the exogenous variability in the retirement decision induced by the eligibility rules of the Italian pension system. Information on consumption expenditures, eligibility for retirement and retirement status is obtained from the Bank of Italy Survey on Household Income and Wealth (SHIW). No need of panel data to achieve identification.JZ&33/ Punch-line Key result: household non-durable consumption drops by 9.8% because of male retirement. A larger drop estimated for total food (14.1%). Our strategy provides non-parametric identification only for a subpopulation of those who retire (those who retire at the time they become eligible). We estimate smaller drops for  poverty sample . Our estimates can be reconciled with utility optimization - in the cross section, drop in work-related expenses and leisure substitutes is large enough to explain changes in consumption. Z Z  3393The Causal ProblemLet S* be a variable denoting time to/from eligibility for retirement, negative values indicate that the subject is not yet eligible. Let R be the retirement status, R=1 for the retired and R=0 otherwise. Since retirement is an option available only to the eligible workers, the probability to retire is zero if S*<0 (and it is thus discontinuous at S*=0 ). Let (Y1,Y0) be the two potential household consumption expenditures corresponding to the head being retired or not retired, respectively, and let =Y1-Y0 . Let Y = Y0+R be observed consumption, where Ya"Y1 for households whose head is retired and Ya"Y0 otherwise.n333E333x %  33333  3"O&333333333 & 3 "  & 3 . 3& "  "  "  & 3 . 3 " J+Identification in a nutshell,Start by comparing expenditures for households marginally close to S*=0; since Y = Y0+R we have that Consider the difference around eligibility: f,/333333&3 3, " BT Identification in a nutshellKey identifying restriction (the mean consumption profile under the no-retirement alternative is smooth enough at zero): The result rests upon a weak regularity condition: if none of the heads were to retire no discontinuity in household consumption would take place at the time they become eligible (i.e. at S*=0)  see Hahn et al. (2001) and Battistin and Rettore (2006). This amounts to assuming that any idiosyncratic shocks relevant to the retirement choice and correlated with Y0 (e.g. health shocks) do not occur selectively at either side of the eligibility threshold. H`3  _,[  Identification in a nutshellBy using simple algebra we have: Estimators of the causal effect of retirement on consumption are analogue estimators obtained by replacing the quantities in the last expression by their empirical counterparts. Following Imbens and Angrist (1994) and Hanh et al. (2001), it can be shown that this expression coincides with the IV estimator obtained by instrumenting the endogenous variable R with the eligibility status defined from S*. %ZZZ!A > \7Endogeneity of S**. The S* variable may be the outcome of individual choices (time to enter the labour market, temporary exits, etc). This might casts doubts that our identification strategy is marred by an endogeneity problem. Consider the regression we use to get the numerator of the IV estimate (the reduced form): Y= 0 + 1 S* + 2 S*2 + 3 1(S*>0) + The mean of Y conditional on S* is: E{Y|S*} = 0 + 1 S* + 2 S*2 + 3 1(S*>0) + E{|S*} where the last term does not vanish if S* is endogenous. +Z'Z%Z5Z;Z %3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3333 & 3 "  *  " 333&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3333&3.3  3$"$$&$3$"$$*$$"$(( jLi e        ]8Endogeneity of S* . Nonetheless, the numerator of the IV estimand: E{Y|S* =0+}-E{Y|S* =0-} is not biased for 3, the drop in consumption at the eligibility cut-off point, provided that: E{|S*=0+}=E{|S*=0-}. Our identifying restriction is that the dependence between the unobservables  and S* is not discontinuously changing at the cut-off for eligibility. /ZZ`ZZZZZZ4"*"*"*"*"" "&3.3&3J"3&3.3&3.3  3&3.3&3.33M"*"&38" " $$        B      ^9Data>The Reform Process@Two major reforms in 1992 (Amato) and 1995 (Dini) Gradually moving from defined benefit to (notionally) defined contribution Lots of additional minor changes have been made nearly every year since 1992 Further changes will take place in 2008 (restrictions on early retirement)R)    x  G) C%The measurement of eligibilityD&The measurement of eligibility$ H*  Retirement by Eligibility Status!! Measurement ErrorOWe observe a non-negligible fraction of retired individuals amongst the ineligibles (this regardless of having imputed the eligibility variable for some individuals): this we take as evidence of measurement error in the data. Measurement error bias in the estimation of causal parameters can be severe (see, for example, Battistin and Chesher, 2004). Misclassification of the retirement status R is unlikely to be important, as retired individuals are asked a detailed set of questions on their pension. Measurement error in the eligibility variable S* is most likely to be the explanation. hP (OMeasurement ErrorBased on what we observe in the data, measurement error in S* can not be classical. If S=S*+u, with u a zero-mean error orthogonal to S* we woul      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxz{|}~d not observe any discontinuity in the proportion of retired individual s at the cut-off point. A type of measurement error consistent with the discontinuity in the raw probability of R=1 we observe in the data is: where Z is an indicator for having S= S* and U is a classical measurement error.JiPRP< + ZY  %       # &Measurement ErrorParameter of interest BZ33P- Estimation :lA key feature of the Italian pension system is that many individuals retire as soon as they become eligible mml  :fFirst Stage E{R|S} = 0 + 1 S + 2 S2 + 3 1(S>0) 4 3 "*"*"*"*"* ;hReduced Form E{Y|S} = 0 + 1 S + 2 S2 + 3 1(S>0) 5 3 "  "  "  "     (Estimation resultsX3Estimation results.Specification testsIdentification strategy requires no change at S* = 0 in variables that affect consumption but are not affected by eligibility status. We show that this condition is met by education, age, size of the main residence and proportion of couples Exclusion restriction: family size. This is negatively affected by retirement induced by eligibility (-0.30). In particular, number of grown children cohabiting with their parents falls (-0.25). Possible explanation: individuals retire as soon as they become eligible as a way to let their children move out (they give them part of their severance pay) Hence actual consumption drop is even smaller than 9.8%!Z<Economic InterpretationIn the US, consumption drop is largest among the low pre-retirement wealth (BSW). We estimate a pre-eligibility wealth equation, and use it to predict for the whole sample (w_fit). We show this measure does not change at S*=0. We select those households who w_fit is in the bottom third (w_poor). We call this  poverty sample We estimate small and insignificant effects of eligibility-induced retirement for this poverty sample Our estimated consumption drop is unlikely to be due to lack of financial resources!bZ3P33>P;Back of the Envelope StuffA causal effect of retirement on consumption expenditures is not surprising per se. The question is whether this is consistent with life-time optimizing behavior. A consumption drop can occur if utility is not additively separable in consumption and leisure: since leisure increases abruptly at retirement, consumption increases or decreases depending on how leisure affects the marginal utility of consumption. For instance, if utility is Cobb-Douglas in male leisure and non-durable consumption, and individuals work full time prior to retirement, our estimated 9.8% consumption drop implies an elasticity of intertemporal substitution of 0.84XZ= y6=Work-Related ExpensesOne good model is restrictive: Some goods are leisure substitutes (e.g. food out) or work-related (e.g. travel, clothing), other leisure complements (food in, home heating). We explore which components of household expenditure drive the fall that we have documented. We use data from the 2002 Survey of Family Budgets: this contains no information on eligibility, but detailed information on household expenditures.ZR/Work-Related Expenses We compare expenditures for households whose head s age is 50-54 and 65-69. Heads in the latter group are mostly retired, mostly employed in the former group. The comparison is corrected for composition differences with respect to region of residence, number of equivalent adults and size of the main residence. Support issues turn out to be of no concern. The overall drop is 15.6% : 50% larger than the estimated retirement consumption drop (9.8%). A third of the drop is due to age, two thirds to retirement.|</3=3@Q. S0Work-Related Expenses Total difference is - 241 euros (-15.6%). Mostly accounted for by meals out (-36), clothing (-58), transport (-76). Overall 170 out of 241  drop is accounted for by  work-related expenses . Our estimates imply that consumption should fall by 151 Euros because of eligibility-induced retirement. Work-related expenses are less important for manual workers (canteen meals and overalls normally provided by the employer  public transport is heavily subsidized). This may explain why there is no drop for the poverty sample! T1 Conclusions IWe estimate that non-durable consumption falls by 9.8% in Italy because of retirement. This drop is lower than in the US (14 %) but comparable to the UK (8%-10%, non-durable consumption). Our estimates can be reconciled with utility optimization: in the cross section, drop in work-related expenses is large enough to explain it./D`abcdefghi j k l m nopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ !"#$%&}  0  $(      S ($Ep  E  ^   6A ?H   0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.B]+D=' }= @B +rGdK)hM1Ї(x/ _A F nEquation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 EquationGrafico MSGraph.Chart.804Grafico di Microsoft Graph!Equation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 Equation}-Equation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 Equation8Equation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 EquationKEquation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 EquationLEquation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 EquationMEquation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 Equation/ 0LDTimes New RomanTTrܖ 0ܖ@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` tl`(R          ! %  - / 3476:;>@BCEFKMNP$QRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~2$ae7 ;'2$e' KCc02$(3jC9XkN2$6<"CX%b$o|[7,9< 6b$J3D!5C2$ʍ>H Jo0 "$$oyu)HF ~<2$ez,k.H2$Wוd➫ IvL2$K l\7"I q4P2$x(oQȧ+T2$kkS x9V2$.MDXnV$':]2$RF gmxZ 0AA@3f@ ʚ;Nh8ʚ;g4EdEd\ 0ppp@ <4dddd w 0Tr<4BdBd w 0TrH<4!d!d w 0Tria___PPT10A pp. Casa.6?  %O  =sI,7 How Large is the Retirement Consumption Drop in Italy?88(>Erich Battistin Agar Brugiavini Enrico Rettore Guglielmo Weber?P?4 0 Motivation  According to the life-cycle permanent income Hp consumers decide how much to consume, keeping in mind their future prospects They form intertemporal plans aimed at smoothing the (discounted) marginal utility of consumption over the life cycle Any period to period change in the actual level of the marginal utility of consumption is uncorrelated with past information available to the household. That is, it should be a result of unpredictable shocks. T33Z5 Motivation  This holds true also around retirement age: any change in the marginal utility of consumption should be uncorrelated with planned retirement behaviour. Recent micro evidence has emphasized that there is a one-off drop in consumption at the time of retirement that might be hard to reconcile with life-time optimizing behaviour (see for example Banks et al., 1998, Bernheim et al., 2001). This is known as the retirement consumption puzzle {33>  &H[6 Motivation JSome possible reasons mentioned in the literature: changes in preferences due to increased leisure shocks inducing retirement and affecting the level of consumption reduction in work-related expenditures (transport, meals out, clothing) increase in home production of services and/or more efficient purchases unexpectedly low pensions or liquidity problems (not in Italy, though  think of severance pay - liquidazione!) N3s~3  >!What Others Have DoneBanks, Blundell and Tanner (1998) use repeated cross section data from the FES  they estimate log-linear Euler equations from cohort data by IV (using lagged interest rates, consumption and income growth as instruments) and find unexplained negative residuals around typical male retirement ages (60-67). The largest residual obtains at age 63 (1.5%). Altogether, cumulated residual are in the 8-10% region. Non-separabilities between leisure and consumption can explain only part of the drop. >PP&32   D?"What Others Have DoneBernheim, Skinner and Weinberg (2001) use panel data from the PSID to estimate Euler equations. Retirement status is instrumented by taking age-specific predicted probabilities conditional on demographics (however cannot explain spikes at ages 62 and 65). Median drop is 14%, but higher for low wealth Sample is split in groups: low wealth-to-income households drop their consumption most.  31% of households reduce their consumption by at least 35 percentage points at retirement .HZ* 33Y4What Others Have DonePossible explanations and related literature: Many workers are surprised by inadequate resources when they retire (not consistent with life-cycle model & rational expectations). Work related expenses. Home production and/or more efficient shopping (Aguiar and Hurst, 2005, Hurd and Rohwedder, 2006). Miniaci et al (2003) estimate by OLS the Italian retirement consumption drop at 5.4%. 0.ZUZ,WP  P What We Do An alternative identification strategy: we estimate the change in consumption at retirement by exploiting the exogenous variability in the retirement decision induced by the eligibility rules of the Italian pension system. Information on consumption expenditures, eligibility for retirement and retirement status is obtained from the Bank of Italy Survey on Household Income and Wealth (SHIW). No need of panel data to achieve identification.JZ&33/ Punch-line Key result: household non-durable consumption drops by 9.8% because of male retirement. A larger drop estimated for total food (14.1%). Our strategy provides non-parametric identification only for a subpopulation of those who retire (those who retire at the time they become eligible). We estimate smaller drops for  poverty sample . Our estimates can be reconciled with utility optimization - in the cross section, drop in work-related expenses and leisure substitutes is large enough to explain changes in consumption. Z Z  3393The Causal ProblemLet S* be a variable denoting time to/from eligibility for retirement, negative values indicate that the subject is not yet eligible. Let R be the retirement status, R=1 for the retired and R=0 otherwise. Since retirement is an option available only to the eligible workers, the probability to retire is zero if S*<0 (and it is thus discontinuous at S*=0 ). Let (Y1,Y0) be the two potential household consumption expenditures corresponding to the head being retired or not retired, respectively, and let =Y1-Y0 . Let Y = Y0+R be observed consumption, where Ya"Y1 for households whose head is retired and Ya"Y0 otherwise.n333E333x %  33333  3"O&333333333 & 3 "  & 3 . 3& "  "  "  & 3 . 3 " J+Identification in a nutshell,Start by comparing expenditures for households marginally close to S*=0; since Y = Y0+R we have that Consider the difference around eligibility: f,/333333&3 3, " BT Identification in a nutshellKey identifying restriction (the mean consumption profile under the no-retirement alternative is smooth enough at zero): The result rests upon a weak regularity condition: if none of the heads were to retire no discontinuity in household consumption would take place at the time they become eligible (i.e. at S*=0)  see Hahn et al. (2001) and Battistin and Rettore (2006). This amounts to assuming that any idiosyncratic shocks relevant to the retirement choice and correlated with Y0 (e.g. health shocks) do not occur selectively at either side of the eligibility threshold. H`3  _,[  Identification in a nutshellBy using simple algebra we have: Estimators of the causal effect of retirement on consumption are analogue estimators obtained by replacing the quantities in the last expression by their empirical counterparts. Following Imbens and Angrist (1994) and Hanh et al. (2001), it can be shown that this expression coincides with the IV estimator obtained by instrumenting the endogenous variable R with the eligibility status defined from S*. %ZZZ!A > \7Endogeneity of S**. The S* variable may be the outcome of individual choices (time to enter the labour market, temporary exits, etc). This might casts doubts that our identification strategy is marred by an endogeneity problem. Consider the regression we use to get the numerator of the IV estimate (the reduced form): Y= 0 + 1 S* + 2 S*2 + 3 1(S*>0) + The mean of Y conditional on S* is: E{Y|S*} = 0 + 1 S* + 2 S*2 + 3 1(S*>0) + E{|S*} where the last term does not vanish if S* is endogenous. +Z'Z%Z5Z;Z %3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3333 & 3 "  *  " 333&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3333&3.3  3$"$$&$3$"$$*$$"$(( jLi e        ]8Endogeneity of S* . Nonetheless, the numerator of the IV estimand: E{Y|S* =0+}-E{Y|S* =0-} is not biased for 3, the drop in consumption at the eligibility cut-off point, provided that: E{|S*=0+}=E{|S*=0-}. Our identifying restriction is that the dependence between the unobservables  and S* is not discontinuously changing at the cut-off for eligibility. /ZZ`ZZZZZZ4"*"*"*"*"" "&3.3&3J"3&3.3&3.3  3&3.3&3.33M"*"&38" " $$        B      ^9Data>The Reform Process@Two major reforms in 1992 (Amato) and 1995 (Dini) Gradually moving from defined benefit to (notionally) defined contribution Lots of additional minor changes have been made nearly every year since 1992 Further changes will take place in 2008 (restrictions on early retirement)R)    x  G) C%The measurement of eligibilityD&The measurement of eligibility$ H*  Retirement by Eligibility Status!! Measurement ErrorOWe observe a non-negligible fraction of retired individuals amongst the ineligibles (this regardless of having imputed the eligibility variable for some individuals): this we take as evidence of measurement error in the data. Measurement error bias in the estimation of causal parameters can be severe (see, for example, Battistin and Chesher, 2004). Misclassification of the retirement status R is unlikely to be important, as retired individuals are asked a detailed set of questions on their pension. Measurement error in the eligibility variable S* is most likely to be the explanation. hP (OMeasurement ErrorBased on what we observe in the data, measurement error in S* can not be classical. If S=S*+u, with u a zero-mean error orthogonal to S* we would not observe any discontinuity in the proportion of retired individual s at the cut-off point. A type of measurement error consistent with the discontinuity in the raw probability of R=1 we observe in the data is: where Z is an indicator for having S= S* and U is a classical measurement error.JiPRP< + ZY  %       # &Measurement ErrorParameter of interest BZ33P- Estimation :lA key feature of the Italian pension system is that many individuals retire as soon as they become eligible mml  :fFirst Stage E{R|S} = 0 + 1 S + 2 S2 + 3 1(S>0) 4 3 "*"*"*"*"* ;hReduced Form E{Y|S} = 0 + 1 S + 2 S2 + 3 1(S>0) 5 3 "  "  "  "     (Estimation resultsX3Estimation results.Specification testsIdentification strategy requires no change at S* = 0 in variables that affect consumption but are not affected by eligibility status. We show that this condition is met by education, age, size of the main residence and proportion of couples Exclusion restriction: family size. This is negatively affected by retirement induced by eligibility (-0.30). In particular, number of grown children cohabiting with their parents falls (-0.25). Possible explanation: individuals retire as soon as they become eligible as a way to let their children move out (they give them part of their severance pay) Hence actual consumption drop is even smaller than 9.8%!Z<Economic InterpretationIn the US, consumption drop is largest among the low pre-retirement wealth (BSW). We estimate a pre-eligibility wealth equation, and use it to predict for the whole sample (w_fit). We show this measure does not change at S*=0. We select those households who w_fit is in the bottom third (w_poor). We call this  poverty sample We estimate small and insignificant effects of eligibility-induced retirement for this poverty sample Our estimated consumption drop is unlikely to be due to lack of financial resources!bZ3P33>P;Back of the Envelope StuffA causal effect of retirement on consumption expenditures is not surprising per se. The question is whether this is consistent with life-time optimizing behavior. A consumption drop can occur if utility is not additively separable in consumption and leisure: since leisure increases abruptly at retirement, consumption increases or decreases depending on how leisure affects the marginal utility of consumption. For instance, if utility is Cobb-Douglas in male leisure and non-durable consumption, and individuals work full time prior to retirement, our estimated 9.8% consumption drop implies an elasticity of intertemporal substitution of 0.84XZ= y6=Work-Related ExpensesOne good model is restrictive: Some goods are leisure substitutes (e.g. food out) or work-related (e.g. travel, clothing), other leisure complements (food in, home heating). We explore which components of household expenditure drive the fall that we have documented. We use data from the 2002 Survey of Family Budgets: this contains no information on eligibility, but detailed information on household expenditures.ZR/Work-Related Expenses We compare expenditures for households whose head s age is 50-54 and 65-69. Heads in the latter group are mostly retired, mostly employed in the former group. The comparison is corrected for composition differences with respect to region of residence, number of equivalent adults and size of the main residence. Support issues turn out to be of no concern. The overall drop is 15.6% : 50% larger than the estimated retirement consumption drop (9.8%). A third of the drop is due to age, two thirds to retirement.|</3=3@Q. S0Work-Related Expenses Total difference is - 241 euros (-15.6%). Mostly accounted for by meals out (-36), clothing (-58), transport (-76). Overall 170 out of 241  drop is accounted for by  work-related expenses . Our estimates imply that consumption should fall by 151 Euros because of eligibility-induced retirement. Work-related expenses are less important for manual workers (canteen meals and overalls normally provided by the employer  public transport is heavily subsidized). This may explain why there is no drop for the poverty sample! T1 Conclusions IWe estimate that non-durable consumption falls by 9.8% in Italy because of retirement. This drop is lower than in the US (14 %) but comparable to the UK (8%-10%, non-durable consumption). Our estimates can be reconciled with utility optimization: in the cross section, drop in work-related expenses is large enough to explain it./D`abcdefghi j k l m nopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ !"#$%&  0  (   ^   6A ?1H   0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.B]+D=' }= @B +r%NG)N1Ї(x/ _A F nEquation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 EquationGrafico MSGraph.Chart.804Grafico di Microsoft Graph!Equation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 Equation}-Equation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 Equation8Equation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 EquationKEquation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 EquationLEquation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 EquationMEquation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 Equation/ 0LDTimes New RomanTTrܖ 0ܖ@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` tl`(R          ! %  - / 3476:;>@BCEFKMNP$QRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~2$ae7 ;'2$e' KCc02$(3jC9XkN2$6<"CX%b$o|[7,9< 6b$J3D!5C2$ʍ>H Jo0 "$$oyu)HF ~<2$ez,k.H2$Wוd➫ IvL2$K l\7"I q4P2$x(oQȧ+T2$kkS x9V2$.MDXnV$':]2$RF gmxZ 0AA@3f@ ʚ;Nh8ʚ;g4EdEd\ 0ppp@ <4dddd w 0Tr<4BdBd w 0TrH<4!d!d w 0Tria___PPT10A pp. Casa.6?  %O  =sI,7 How Large is the Retirement Consumption Drop in Italy?88(>Erich Battistin Agar Brugiavini Enrico Rettore Guglielmo Weber?P?4 0 Motivation  According to the life-cycle permanent income Hp consumers decide how much to consume, keeping in mind their future prospects They form intertemporal plans aimed at smoothing the (discounted) marginal utility of consumption over the life cycle Any period to period change in the actual level of the marginal utility of consumption is uncorrelated with past information available to the household. That is, it should be a result of unpredictable shocks. T33Z5 Motivation  This holds true also around retirement age: any change in the marginal utility of consumption should be uncorrelated with planned retirement behaviour. Recent micro evidence has emphasized that there is a one-off drop in consumption at the time of retirement that might be hard to reconcile with life-time optimizing behaviour (see for example Banks et al., 1998, Bernheim et al., 2001). This is known as the retirement consumption puzzle {33>  &H[6 Motivation JSome possible reasons mentioned in the literature: changes in preferences due to increased leisure shocks inducing retirement and affecting the level of consumption reduction in work-related expenditures (transport, meals out, clothing) increase in home production of services and/or more efficient purchases unexpectedly low pensions or liquidity problems (not in Italy, though  think of severance pay - liquidazione!) N3s~3  >!What Others Have DoneBanks, Blundell and Tanner (1998) use repeated cross section data from the FES  they estimate log-linear Euler equations from cohort data by IV (using lagged interest rates, consumption and income growth as instruments) and find unexplained negative residuals around typical male retirement ages (60-67). The largest residual obtains at age 63 (1.5%). Altogether, cumulated residual are in the 8-10% region. Non-separabilities between leisure and consumption can explain only part of the drop. >PP&32   D?"What Others Have DoneBernheim, Skinner and Weinberg (2001) use panel data from the PSID to estimate Euler equations. Retirement status is instrumented by taking age-specific predicted probabilities conditional on demographics (however cannot explain spikes at ages 62 and 65). Median drop is 14%, but higher for low wealth Sample is split in groups: low wealth-to-income households drop their consumption most.  31% of households reduce their consumption by at least 35 percentage points at retirement .HZ* 33Y4What Others Have DonePossible explanations and related literature: Many workers are surprised by inadequate resources when they retire (not consistent with life-cycle model & rational expectations). Work related expenses. Home production and/or more efficient shopping (Aguiar and Hurst, 2005, Hurd and Rohwedder, 2006). Miniaci et al (2003) estimate by OLS the Italian retirement consumption drop at 5.4%. 0.ZUZ,WP  P What We Do An alternative identification strategy: we estimate the change in consumption at retirement by exploiting the exogenous variability in the retirement decision induced by the eligibility rules of the Italian pension system. Information on consumption expenditures, eligibility for retirement and retirement status is obtained from the Bank of Italy Survey on Household Income and Wealth (SHIW). No need of panel data to achieve identification.JZ&33/ Punch-line Key result: household non-durable consumption drops by 9.8% because of male retirement. A larger drop estimated for total food (14.1%). Our strategy provides non-parametric identification only for a subpopulation of those who retire (those who retire at the time they become eligible). We estimate smaller drops for  poverty sample . Our estimates can be reconciled with utility optimization - in the cross section, drop in work-related expenses and leisure substitutes is large enough to explain changes in consumption. Z Z  3393The Causal ProblemLet S* be a variable denoting time to/from eligibility for retirement, negative values indicate that the subject is not yet eligible. Let R be the retirement status, R=1 for the retired and R=0 otherwise. Since retirement is an option available only to the eligible workers, the probability to retire is zero if S*<0 (and it is thus discontinuous at S*=0 ). Let (Y1,Y0) be the two potential household consumption expenditures corresponding to the head being retired or not retired, respectively, and let =Y1-Y0 . Let Y = Y0+R be observed consumption, where Ya"Y1 for households whose head is retired and Ya"Y0 otherwise.n333E333x %  33333  3"O&333333333 & 3 "  & 3 . 3& "  "  "  & 3 . 3 " J+Identification in a nutshell,Start by comparing expenditures for households marginally close to S*=0; since Y = Y0+R we have that Consider the difference around eligibility: f,/333333&3 3, " BT Identification in a nutshellKey identifying restriction (the mean consumption profile under the no-retirement alternative is smooth enough at zero): The result rests upon a weak regularity condition: if none of the heads were to retire no discontinuity in household consumption would take place at the time they become eligible (i.e. at S*=0)  see Hahn et al. (2001) and Battistin and Rettore (2006). This amounts to assuming that any idiosyncratic shocks relevant to the retirement choice and correlated with Y0 (e.g. health shocks) do not occur selectively at either side of the eligibility threshold. H`3  _,[  Identification in a nutshellBy using simple algebra we have: Estimators of the causal effect of retirement on consumption are analogue estimators obtained by replacing the quantities in the last expression by their empirical counterparts. Following Imbens and Angrist (1994) and Hanh et al. (2001), it can be shown that this expression coincides with the IV estimator obtained by instrumenting the endogenous variable R with the eligibility status defined from S*. %ZZZ!A > \7Endogeneity of S**. The S* variable may be the outcome of individual choices (time to enter the labour market, temporary exits, etc). This might casts doubts that our identification strategy is marred by an endogeneity problem. Consider the regression we use to get the numerator of the IV estimate (the reduced form): Y= 0 + 1 S* + 2 S*2 + 3 1(S*>0) + The mean of Y conditional on S* is: E{Y|S*} = 0 + 1 S* + 2 S*2 + 3 1(S*>0) + E{|S*} where the last term does not vanish if S* is endogenous. +Z'Z%Z5Z;Z %3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3333 & 3 "  *  " 333&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3333&3.3  3$"$$&$3$"$$*$$"$(( jLi e        ]8Endogeneity of S* . Nonetheless, the numerator of the IV estimand: E{Y|S* =0+}-E{Y|S* =0-} is not biased for 3, the drop in consumption at the eligibility cut-off point, provided that: E{|S*=0+}=E{|S*=0-}. Our identifying restriction is that the dependence between the unobservables  and S* is not discontinuously changing at the cut-off for eligibility. /ZZ`ZZZZZZ4"*"*"*"*"" "&3.3&3J"3&3.3&3.3  3&3.3&3.33M"*"&38" " $$        B      ^9Data>The Reform Process@Two major reforms in 1992 (Amato) and 1995 (Dini) Gradually moving from defined benefit to (notionally) defined contribution Lots of additional minor changes have been made nearly every year since 1992 Further changes will take place in 2008 (restrictions on early retirement)R)    x  G) C%The measurement of eligibilityD&The measurement of eligibility$ H*  Retirement by Eligibility Status!! Measurement ErrorOWe observe a non-negligible fraction of retired individuals amongst the ineligibles (this regardless of having imputed the eligibility variable for some individuals): this we take as evidence of measurement error in the data. Measurement error bias in the estimation of causal parameters can be severe (see, for example, Battistin and Chesher, 2004). Misclassification of the retirement status R is unlikely to be important, as retired individuals are asked a detailed set of questions on their pension. Measurement error in the eligibility variable S* is most likely to be the explanation. hP (OMeasurement ErrorBased on what we observe in the data, measurement error in S* can not be classical. If S=S*+u, with u a zero-mean error orthogonal to S* we would not observe any discontinuity in the proportion of retired individual s at the cut-off point. A type of measurement error consistent with the discontinuity in the raw probability of R=1 we observe in the data is: where Z is an indicator for having S= S* and U is a classical measurement error.JiPRP< + ZY  %       # &Measurement ErrorParameter of interest BZ33P- Estimation :lA key feature of the Italian pension system is that many individuals retire as soon as they become eligible mml  :fFirst Stage E{R|S} = 0 + 1 S + 2 S2 + 3 1(S>0) 4 3 "*"*"*"*"* ;hReduced Form E{Y|S} = 0 + 1 S + 2 S2 + 3 1(S>0) 5 3 "  "  "  "     (Estimation resultsX3Estimation results.Specification testsIdentification strategy requires no change at S* = 0 in variables that affect consumption but are not affected by eligibility status. We show that this condition is met by education, age, size of the main residence and proportion of couples Exclusion restriction: family size. This is negatively affected by retirement induced by eligibility (-0.30). In particular, number of grown children cohabiting with their parents falls (-0.25). Possible explanation: individuals retire as soon as they become eligible as a way to let their children move out (they give them part of their severance pay) Hence actual consumption drop is even smaller than 9.8%!Z<Economic InterpretationIn the US, consumption drop is largest among the low pre-retirement wealth (BSW). We estimate a pre-eligibility wealth equation, and use it to predict for the whole sample (w_fit). We show this measure does not change at S*=0. We select those households who w_fit is in the bottom third (w_poor). We call this  poverty sample We estimate small and insignificant effects of eligibility-induced retirement for this poverty sample Our estimated consumption drop is unlikely to be due to lack of financial resources!bZ3P33>P;Back of the Envelope StuffA causal effect of retirement on consumption expenditures is not surprising per se. The question is whether this is consistent with life-time optimizing behavior. A consumption drop can occur if utility is not additively separable in consumption and leisure: since leisure increases abruptly at retirement, consumption increases or decreases depending on how leisure affects the marginal utility of consumption. For instance, if utility is Cobb-Douglas in male leisure and non-durable consumption, and individuals work full time prior to retirement, our estimated 9.8% consumption drop implies an elasticity of intertemporal substitution of 0.84XZ= y6=Work-Related ExpensesOne good model is restrictive: Some goods are leisure substitutes (e.g. food out) or work-related (e.g. travel, clothing), other leisure complements (food in, home heating). We explore which components of household expenditure drive the fall that we have documented. We use data from the 2002 Survey of Family Budgets: this contains no information on eligibility, but detailed information on household expenditures.ZR/Work-Related Expenses We compare expenditures for households whose head s age is 50-54 and 65-69. Heads in the latter group are mostly retired, mostly employed in the former group. The comparison is corrected for composition differences with respect to region of residence, number of equivalent adults and size of the main residence. Support issues turn out to be of no concern. The overall drop is 15.6% : 50% larger than the estimated retirement consumption drop (9.8%). A third of the drop is due to age, two thirds to retirement.|</3=3@Q. S0Work-Related Expenses Total difference is - 241 euros (-15.6%). Mostly accounted for by meals out (-36), clothing (-58), transport (-76). Overall 170 out of 241  drop is accounted for by  work-related expenses . Our estimates imply that consumption should fall by 151 Euros because of eligibility-induced retirement. Work-related expenses are less important for manual workers (canteen meals and overalls normally provided by the employer  public transport is heavily subsidized). This may explain why there is no drop for the poverty sample! T1 Conclusions IWe estimate that non-durable consumption falls by 9.8% in Italy because of retirement. This drop is lower than in the US (14 %) but comparable to the UK (8%-10%, non-durable consumption). Our estimates can be reconciled with utility optimization: in the cross section, drop in work-related expenses is large enough to explain it./D`abcdefghi j k l m nopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ !"#$%&r0) `1(x/ _A F nEquation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 EquationGrafico MSGraph.Chart.804Grafico di Microsoft Graph!Equation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 Equation}-Equation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 Equation8Equation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 EquationKEquation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 EquationLEquation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 EquationMEquation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 Equation`/ 0DTimes New RomanTTrܖ 0ܖDArialNew RomanTTrܖ 0ܖ"@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` |p0R          ! %  - / 3476:;>@BCEFKMNP$QRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~2$ae7 ;'2$e' KCc02$(3jC9XkN2$6<"CX%b$o|[7,9< 6b$J3D!5C2$ʍ>H Jo0 "$$oyu)HF ~<2$ez,k.H2$Wוd➫ IvL2$K l\7"I q4P2$x(oQȧ+T2$kkS x9V$2$RF gmxZ 0AA@3f@ ʚ;Nh8ʚ;g4EdEd\ 0ppp@ <4dddd w 0Tr<4BdBd w 0TrH<4!d!d w 0Tria___PPT10A pp. Casa.6?  %O  =sI,7 How Large is the Retirement Consumption Drop in Italy?88(>Erich Battistin Agar Brugiavini Enrico Rettore Guglielmo Weber?P?4 0 Motivation  According to the life-cycle permanent income Hp consumers decide how much to consume, keeping in mind their future prospects They form intertemporal plans aimed at smoothing the (discounted) marginal utility of consumption over the life cycle Any period to period change in the actual level of the marginal utility of consumption is uncorrelated with past information available to the household. That is, it should be a result of unpredictable shocks. T33Z5 Motivation  This holds true also around retirement age: any change in the marginal utility of consumption should be uncorrelated with planned retirement behaviour. Recent micro evidence has emphasized that there is a one-off drop in consumption at the time of retirement that might be hard to reconcile with life-time optimizing behaviour (see for example Banks et al., 1998, Bernheim et al., 2001). This is known as the retirement consumption puzzle {33>  &H[6 Motivation JSome possible reasons mentioned in the literature: changes in preferences due to increased leisure shocks inducing retirement and affecting the level of consumption reduction in work-related expenditures (transport, meals out, clothing) increase in home production of services and/or more efficient purchases unexpectedly low pensions or liquidity problems (not in Italy, though  think of severance pay - liquidazione!) N3s~3  >!What Others Have DoneBanks, Blundell and Tanner (1998) use repeated cross section data from the FES  they estimate log-linear Euler equations from cohort data by IV (using lagged interest rates, consumption and income growth as instruments) and find unexplained negative residuals around typical male retirement ages (60-67). The largest residual obtains at age 63 (1.5%). Altogether, cumulated residual are in the 8-10% region. Non-separabilities between leisure and consumption can explain only part of the drop. >PP&32   D?"What Others Have DoneBernheim, Skinner and Weinberg (2001) use panel data from the PSID to estimate Euler equations. Retirement status is instrumented by taking age-specific predicted probabilities conditional on demographics (however cannot explain spikes at ages 62 and 65). Median drop is 14%, but higher for low wealth Sample is split in groups: low wealth-to-income households drop their consumption most.  31% of households reduce their consumption by at least 35 percentage points at retirement .HZ* 33Y4What Others Have DonePossible explanations and related literature: Many workers are surprised by inadequate resources when they retire (not consistent with life-cycle model & rational expectations). Work related expenses. Home production and/or more efficient shopping (Aguiar and Hurst, 2005, Hurd and Rohwedder, 2006). Miniaci et al (2003) estimate by OLS the Italian retirement consumption drop at 5.4%. 0.ZUZ,WP  P What We Do An alternative identification strategy: we estimate the change in consumption at retirement by exploiting the exogenous variability in the retirement decision induced by the eligibility rules of the Italian pension system. Information on consumption expenditures, eligibility for retirement and retirement status is obtained from the Bank of Italy Survey on Household Income and Wealth (SHIW). No need of panel data to achieve identification.JZ&33/ Punch-line Key result: household non-durable consumption drops by 9.8% because of male retirement. A larger drop estimated for total food (14.1%). Our strategy provides non-parametric identification only for a subpopulation of those who retire (those who retire at the time they become eligible). We estimate smaller drops for  poverty sample . Our estimates can be reconciled with utility optimization - in the cross section, drop in work-related expenses and leisure substitutes is large enough to explain changes in consumption. Z Z  3393The Causal ProblemLet S* be a variable denoting time to/from eligibility for retirement, negative values indicate that the subject is not yet eligible. Let R be the retirement status, R=1 for the retired and R=0 otherwise. Since retirement is an option available only to the eligible workers, the probability to retire is zero if S*<0 (and it is thus discontinuous at S*=0 ). Let (Y1,Y0) be the two potential household consumption expenditures corresponding to the head being retired or not retired, respectively, and let =Y1-Y0 . Let Y = Y0+R be observed consumption, where Ya"Y1 for households whose head is retired and Ya"Y0 otherwise.n333E333x %  33333  3"O&333333333 & 3 "  & 3 . 3& "  "  "  & 3 . 3 " J+Identification in a nutshell,Start by comparing expenditures for households marginally close to S*=0; since Y = Y0+R we have that Consider the difference around eligibility: f,/333333&3 3, " BT Identification in a nutshellKey identifying restriction (the mean consumption profile under the no-retirement alternative is smooth enough at zero): The result rests upon a weak regularity condition: if none of the heads were to retire no discontinuity in household consumption would take place at the time they become eligible (i.e. at S*=0)  see Hahn et al. (2001) and Battistin and Rettore (2006). This amounts to assuming that any idiosyncratic shocks relevant to the retirement choice and correlated with Y0 (e.g. health shocks) do not occur selectively at either side of the eligibility threshold. H`3  _,[  Identification in a nutshellBy using simple algebra we have: Estimators of the causal effect of retirement on consumption are analogue estimators obtained by replacing the quantities in the last expression by their empirical counterparts. Following Imbens and Angrist (1994) and Hanh et al. (2001), it can be shown that this expression coincides with the IV estimator obtained by instrumenting the endogenous variable R with the eligibility status defined from S*. %ZZZ!A > \7Endogeneity of S**. The S* variable may be the outcome of individual choices (time to enter the labour market, temporary exits, etc). This might casts doubts that our identification strategy is marred by an endogeneity problem. Consider the regression we use to get the numerator of the IV estimate (the reduced form): Y= 0 + 1 S* + 2 S*2 + 3 1(S*>0) + The mean of Y conditional on S* is: E{Y|S*} = 0 + 1 S* + 2 S*2 + 3 1(S*>0) + E{|S*} where the last term does not vanish if S* is endogenous. +Z'Z%Z5Z;Z %3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3333 & 3 "  *  " 333&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3333&3.3  3$"$$&$3$"$$*$$"$(( jLi e        ]8Endogeneity of S* . Nonetheless, the numerator of the IV estimand: E{Y|S* =0+}-E{Y|S* =0-} is not biased for 3, the drop in consumption at the eligibility cut-off point, provided that: E{|S*=0+}=E{|S*=0-}. Our identifying restriction is that the dependence between the unobservables  and S* is not discontinuously changing at the cut-off for eligibility. /ZZ`ZZZZZZ4"*"*"*"*"" "&3.3&3J"3&3.3&3.3  3&3.3&3.33M"*"&38" " $$        B      ^9Data>The Reform Process@Two major reforms in 1992 (Amato) and 1995 (Dini) Gradually moving from defined benefit to (notionally) defined contribution Lots of additional minor changes have been made nearly every year since 1992 Further changes will take place in 2008 (restrictions on early retirement)R)    x  G)C%The measurement of eligibilityD&The measurement of eligibility$ H*  Retirement by Eligibility Status!! Measurement ErrorOWe observe a non-negligible fraction of retired individuals amongst the ineligibles (this regardless of having imputed the eligibility variable for some individuals): this we take as evidence of measurement error in the data. Measurement error bias in the estimation of causal parameters can be severe (see, for example, Battistin and Chesher, 2004). Misclassification of the retirement status R is unlikely to be important, as retired individuals are asked a detailed set of questions on their pension. Measurement error in the eligibility variable S* is most likely to be the explanation. hP (OMeasurement ErrorBased on what we observe in the data, measurement error in S* can not be classical. If S=S*+u, with u a zero-mean error orthogonal to S* we would not observe any discontinuity in the proportion of retired individual s at the cut-off point. A type of measurement error consistent with the discontinuity in the raw probability of R=1 we observe in the data is: where Z is an indicator for having S= S* and U is a classical measurement error.JiPRP< + ZY  %       # &Measurement ErrorParameter of interest BZ33P- Estimation :lA key feature of the Italian pension system is that many individuals retire as soon as they become eligible mml  :fFirst Stage E{R|S} = 0 + 1 S + 2 S2 + 3 1(S>0) 4 3 "*"*"*"*"* ;hReduced Form E{Y|S} = 0 + 1 S + 2 S2 + 3 1(S>0) 5 3 "  "  "  "     (Estimation resultsX3Estimation results.Specification testsIdentification strategy requires no change at S* = 0 in variables that affect consumption but are not affected by eligibility status. We show that this condition is met by education, age, size of the main residence and proportion of couples Exclusion restriction: family size. This is negatively affected by retirement induced by eligibility (-0.30). In particular, number of grown children cohabiting with their parents falls (-0.25). Possible explanation: individuals retire as soon as they become eligible as a way to let their children move out (they give them part of their severance pay) Hence actual consumption drop is even smaller than 9.8%!Z<Economic InterpretationIn the US, consumption drop is largest among the low pre-retirement wealth (BSW). We estimate a pre-eligibility wealth equation, and use it to predict for the whole sample (w_fit). We show this measure does not change at S*=0. We select those households who w_fit is in the bottom third (w_poor). We call this  poverty sample We estimate small and insignificant effects of eligibility-induced retirement for this poverty sample Our estimated consumption drop is unlikely to be due to lack of financial resources!bZ3P33>P;Back of the Envelope StuffA causal effect of retirement on consumption expenditures is not surprising per se. The question is whether this is consistent with life-time optimizing behavior. A consumption drop can occur if utility is not additively separable in consumption and leisure: since leisure increases abruptly at retirement, consumption increases or decreases depending on how leisure affects the marginal utility of consumption. For instance, if utility is Cobb-Douglas in male leisure and non-durable consumption, and individuals work full time prior to retirement, our estimated 9.8% consumption drop implies an elasticity of intertemporal substitution of 0.84XZ= y6=Work-Related ExpensesOne good model is restrictive: Some goods are leisure substitutes (e.g. food out) or work-related (e.g. travel, clothing), other leisure complements (food in, home heating). We explore which components of household expenditure drive the fall that we have documented. We use data from the 2002 Survey of Family Budgets: this contains no information on eligibility, but detailed information on household expenditures.ZR/Work-Related Expenses We compare expenditures for households whose head s age is 50-54 and 65-69. Heads in the latter group are mostly retired, mostly employed in the former group. The comparison is corrected for composition differences with respect to region of residence, number of equivalent adults and size of the main residence. Support issues turn out to be of no concern. The overall drop is 15.6% : 50% larger than the estimated retirement consumption drop (9.8%). A third of the drop is due to age, two thirds to retirement.|</3=3@Q. S0Work-Related Expenses Total difference is - 241 euros (-15.6%). Mostly accounted for by meals out (-36), clothing (-58), transport (-76). Overall 170 out of 241  drop is accounted for by  work-related expenses . Our estimates imply that consumption should fall by 151 Euros because of eligibility-induced retirement. Work-related expenses are less important for manual workers (canteen meals and overalls normally provided by the employer  public transport is heavily subsidized). This may explain why there is no drop for the poverty sample! T1 Conclusions IWe estimate that non-durable consumption falls by 9.8% in Italy because of retirement. This drop is lower than in the US (14 %) but comparable to the UK (8%-10%, non-durable consumption). Our estimates can be reconciled with utility optimization: in the cross section, drop in work-related expenses is large enough to explain it./D`abcdefghi j k l m nopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ !"#$%&; 0 ::K W:(   : Z   #"2&0Z '   <T ?VL  \40*("     < ?&L V c 58 and 35* ( "   ~  < ?A L & \38*("   }  <0 ? L A  c 57 and 35* ( "   |  <  ?L  \38*("   {  <H ?L  c 57 and 35* ( "   z  < ?L  ]2004 ( "   y  <$ ?V L  \40*("   x  < ?& VL  c 58 and 35* ( "   w  <} ?A &L  \37*("   v  <k ? A L  c 56 and 35* ( "   u  <[ ? L  \37*("   t  <I ? L  c 57 and 35* ( "   s  <8 ? L  ]2003 ( "   r  <) ?V   \40*("   q  <p ?& V  c 58 and 35* ( "   p  <d ?A &  \37*("   o  << ? A  c 55 and 35* ( "   n  <P ?  \37*("   m  <8 ?   c 57 and 35* ( "   l  <L ?   ]2002 ( "   k  < ?V0  \40*("   j  <\ ?&0V  c 58 and 35* ( "   i  < ?A 0&  \37*("   h  < ? 0A  c 55 and 35* ( "   g  <o ?0  \37*("   f  <_ ?0  c 56 and 35* ( "   e  <O ?0  ]2001 ( "   d  <? ?V70 \40*("   c  </ ?&7V0 c 57 and 35* ( "   b  <p ?A 7&0 \37*("   a  < ? 7A 0 c 54 and 35* ( "   `  < ?7 0 \37*("   _  < ?70 c 55 and 35* ( "   ^  < ?70 _2000 *("   ]  <t ?V>7 \40*("   \  <P ?&>V7 c 57 and 35* ( "   [  < ?A >&7 \37*("   Z  < ? >A 7 c 53 and 35* ( "   Y  < ?> 7 \37*("   X  <t ?>7 c 55 and 35* ( "   W  < d ?>7 _1999 *("   V  <PT ?V> \40*("   U  <,D ?&V> c 57 and 35* ( "   T  <3 ?A &> \36*("   S  <! ? A > c 53 and 35* ( "   R  < ? > \36*("   Q  < ?> c 54 and 35* ( "   P  <X ?> ]1998 ( "   O  Z< ?VZ |0Self  Employed Seniority "  D N  Z ?&ZV Self-employed Age & SeniorityL 1  """$   = M  Z ?A Z& Public Sector SeniorityL 1  "" "$    D L  ZX ? ZA  Public Sector Age & SeniorityL 1  """$    K  Z ?Z PH@___PPT9" Private Sector SeniorityX 1 "" "$    J  ZX ?ZRJB___PPT9$ Private Sector Age & SeniorityZ  " """$   I  ZDw ?Z ]Year ( "  `B   08c ?ZZ`B   08c ?TB   c $ ?ZTB   c $ ?Z`B   01 ?TB   c $ ?ZTB   c $ ?ZTB   c $ ? Z TB   c $ ?A ZA TB   c $ ?&Z&TB   c $ ?VZVTB   c $ ?>>TB   c $ ?77TB   c $ ?00TB   c $ ?  TB   c $ ?  TB A  c $ ?L L H   0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.B]+D=' '= @B +r<`GR)` $1(x/ _A F nEquation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 EquationGrafico MSGraph.Chart.804Grafico di Microsoft Graph      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|}~!Equation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 Equation}-Equation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 Equation8Equation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 EquationKEquation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 EquationLEquation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 EquationMEquation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 Equation`/ 0DTimes New RomanTTrܖ 0ܖDArialNew RomanTTrܖ 0ܖ"@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` |p0R          ! %  - / 3476:;>@BCEFKMNP$QRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~2$ae7 ;'2$e' KCc02$(3jC9XkN2$6<"CX%b$o|[7,9< 6b$J3D!5C2$ʍ>H Jo0 "$$oyu)HF ~<2$ez,k.H2$Wוd➫ IvL2$K l\7"I q4P2$x(oQȧ+T2$kkS x9V$2$RF gmxZ 0AA@3f@ ʚ;Nh8ʚ;g4EdEd\ 0ppp@ <4dddd w 0Tr<4BdBd w 0TrH<4!d!d w 0Tria___PPT10A pp. Casa.6?  %O  =sI,7 How Large is the Retirement Consumption Drop in Italy?88(>Erich Battistin Agar Brugiavini Enrico Rettore Guglielmo Weber?P?4 0 Motivation  According to the life-cycle permanent income Hp consumers decide how much to consume, keeping in mind their future prospects They form intertemporal plans aimed at smoothing the (discounted) marginal utility of consumption over the life cycle Any period to period change in the actual level of the marginal utility of consumption is uncorrelated with past information available to the household. That is, it should be a result of unpredictable shocks. T33Z5 Motivation  This holds true also around retirement age: any change in the marginal utility of consumption should be uncorrelated with planned retirement behaviour. Recent micro evidence has emphasized that there is a one-off drop in consumption at the time of retirement that might be hard to reconcile with life-time optimizing behaviour (see for example Banks et al., 1998, Bernheim et al., 2001). This is known as the retirement consumption puzzle {33>  &H[6 Motivation JSome possible reasons mentioned in the literature: changes in preferences due to increased leisure shocks inducing retirement and affecting the level of consumption reduction in work-related expenditures (transport, meals out, clothing) increase in home production of services and/or more efficient purchases unexpectedly low pensions or liquidity problems (not in Italy, though  think of severance pay - liquidazione!) N3s~3  >!What Others Have DoneBanks, Blundell and Tanner (1998) use repeated cross section data from the FES  they estimate log-linear Euler equations from cohort data by IV (using lagged interest rates, consumption and income growth as instruments) and find unexplained negative residuals around typical male retirement ages (60-67). The largest residual obtains at age 63 (1.5%). Altogether, cumulated residual are in the 8-10% region. Non-separabilities between leisure and consumption can explain only part of the drop. >PP&32   D?"What Others Have DoneBernheim, Skinner and Weinberg (2001) use panel data from the PSID to estimate Euler equations. Retirement status is instrumented by taking age-specific predicted probabilities conditional on demographics (however cannot explain spikes at ages 62 and 65). Median drop is 14%, but higher for low wealth Sample is split in groups: low wealth-to-income households drop their consumption most.  31% of households reduce their consumption by at least 35 percentage points at retirement .HZ* 33Y4What Others Have DonePossible explanations and related literature: Many workers are surprised by inadequate resources when they retire (not consistent with life-cycle model & rational expectations). Work related expenses. Home production and/or more efficient shopping (Aguiar and Hurst, 2005, Hurd and Rohwedder, 2006). Miniaci et al (2003) estimate by OLS the Italian retirement consumption drop at 5.4%. 0.ZUZ,WP  P What We Do An alternative identification strategy: we estimate the change in consumption at retirement by exploiting the exogenous variability in the retirement decision induced by the eligibility rules of the Italian pension system. Information on consumption expenditures, eligibility for retirement and retirement status is obtained from the Bank of Italy Survey on Household Income and Wealth (SHIW). No need of panel data to achieve identification.JZ&33/ Punch-line Key result: household non-durable consumption drops by 9.8% because of male retirement. A larger drop estimated for total food (14.1%). Our strategy provides non-parametric identification only for a subpopulation of those who retire (those who retire at the time they become eligible). We estimate smaller drops for  poverty sample . Our estimates can be reconciled with utility optimization - in the cross section, drop in work-related expenses and leisure substitutes is large enough to explain changes in consumption. Z Z  3393The Causal ProblemLet S* be a variable denoting time to/from eligibility for retirement, negative values indicate that the subject is not yet eligible. Let R be the retirement status, R=1 for the retired and R=0 otherwise. Since retirement is an option available only to the eligible workers, the probability to retire is zero if S*<0 (and it is thus discontinuous at S*=0 ). Let (Y1,Y0) be the two potential household consumption expenditures corresponding to the head being retired or not retired, respectively, and let =Y1-Y0 . Let Y = Y0+R be observed consumption, where Ya"Y1 for households whose head is retired and Ya"Y0 otherwise.n333E333x %  33333  3"O&333333333 & 3 "  & 3 . 3& "  "  "  & 3 . 3 " J+Identification in a nutshell,Start by comparing expenditures for households marginally close to S*=0; since Y = Y0+R we have that Consider the difference around eligibility: f,/333333&3 3, " BT Identification in a nutshellKey identifying restriction (the mean consumption profile under the no-retirement alternative is smooth enough at zero): The result rests upon a weak regularity condition: if none of the heads were to retire no discontinuity in household consumption would take place at the time they become eligible (i.e. at S*=0)  see Hahn et al. (2001) and Battistin and Rettore (2006). This amounts to assuming that any idiosyncratic shocks relevant to the retirement choice and correlated with Y0 (e.g. health shocks) do not occur selectively at either side of the eligibility threshold. H`3  _,[  Identification in a nutshellBy using simple algebra we have: Estimators of the causal effect of retirement on consumption are analogue estimators obtained by replacing the quantities in the last expression by their empirical counterparts. Following Imbens and Angrist (1994) and Hanh et al. (2001), it can be shown that this expression coincides with the IV estimator obtained by instrumenting the endogenous variable R with the eligibility status defined from S*. %ZZZ!A > \7Endogeneity of S**. The S* variable may be the outcome of individual choices (time to enter the labour market, temporary exits, etc). This might casts doubts that our identification strategy is marred by an endogeneity problem. Consider the regression we use to get the numerator of the IV estimate (the reduced form): Y= 0 + 1 S* + 2 S*2 + 3 1(S*>0) + The mean of Y conditional on S* is: E{Y|S*} = 0 + 1 S* + 2 S*2 + 3 1(S*>0) + E{|S*} where the last term does not vanish if S* is endogenous. +Z'Z%Z5Z;Z %3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3333 & 3 "  *  " 333&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3333&3.3  3$"$$&$3$"$$*$$"$(( jLi e        ]8Endogeneity of S* . Nonetheless, the numerator of the IV estimand: E{Y|S* =0+}-E{Y|S* =0-} is not biased for 3, the drop in consumption at the eligibility cut-off point, provided that: E{|S*=0+}=E{|S*=0-}. Our identifying restriction is that the dependence between the unobservables  and S* is not discontinuously changing at the cut-off for eligibility. /ZZ`ZZZZZZ4"*"*"*"*"" "&3.3&3J"3&3.3&3.3  3&3.3&3.33M"*"&38" " $$        B      ^9Data>The Reform Process@Two major reforms in 1992 (Amato) and 1995 (Dini) Gradually moving from defined benefit to (notionally) defined contribution Lots of additional minor changes have been made nearly every year since 1992 Further changes will take place in 2008 (restrictions on early retirement)R)    x  G)C%The measurement of eligibilityD&The measurement of eligibility$ H*  Retirement by Eligibility Status!! Measurement ErrorOWe observe a non-negligible fraction of retired individuals amongst the ineligibles (this regardless of having imputed the eligibility variable for some individuals): this we take as evidence of measurement error in the data. Measurement error bias in the estimation of causal parameters can be severe (see, for example, Battistin and Chesher, 2004). Misclassification of the retirement status R is unlikely to be important, as retired individuals are asked a detailed set of questions on their pension. Measurement error in the eligibility variable S* is most likely to be the explanation. hP (OMeasurement ErrorBased on what we observe in the data, measurement error in S* can not be classical. If S=S*+u, with u a zero-mean error orthogonal to S* we would not observe any discontinuity in the proportion of retired individual s at the cut-off point. A type of measurement error consistent with the discontinuity in the raw probability of R=1 we observe in the data is: where Z is an indicator for having S= S* and U is a classical measurement error.JiPRP< + ZY  %       # &Measurement ErrorParameter of interest BZ33P- Estimation :lA key feature of the Italian pension system is that many individuals retire as soon as they become eligible mml  :fFirst Stage E{R|S} = 0 + 1 S + 2 S2 + 3 1(S>0) 4 3 "*"*"*"*"* ;hReduced Form E{Y|S} = 0 + 1 S + 2 S2 + 3 1(S>0) 5 3 "  "  "  "     (Estimation resultsX3Estimation results.Specification testsIdentification strategy requires no change at S* = 0 in variables that affect consumption but are not affected by eligibility status. We show that this condition is met by education, age, size of the main residence and proportion of couples Exclusion restriction: family size. This is negatively affected by retirement induced by eligibility (-0.30). In particular, number of grown children cohabiting with their parents falls (-0.25). Possible explanation: individuals retire as soon as they become eligible as a way to let their children move out (they give them part of their severance pay) Hence actual consumption drop is even smaller than 9.8%!Z<Economic InterpretationIn the US, consumption drop is largest among the low pre-retirement wealth (BSW). We estimate a pre-eligibility wealth equation, and use it to predict for the whole sample (w_fit). We show this measure does not change at S*=0. We select those households who w_fit is in the bottom third (w_poor). We call this  poverty sample We estimate small and insignificant effects of eligibility-induced retirement for this poverty sample Our estimated consumption drop is unlikely to be due to lack of financial resources!bZ3P33>P;Back of the Envelope StuffA causal effect of retirement on consumption expenditures is not surprising per se. The question is whether this is consistent with life-time optimizing behavior. A consumption drop can occur if utility is not additively separable in consumption and leisure: since leisure increases abruptly at retirement, consumption increases or decreases depending on how leisure affects the marginal utility of consumption. For instance, if utility is Cobb-Douglas in male leisure and non-durable consumption, and individuals work full time prior to retirement, our estimated 9.8% consumption drop implies an elasticity of intertemporal substitution of 0.84XZ= y6=Work-Related ExpensesOne good model is restrictive: Some goods are leisure substitutes (e.g. food out) or work-related (e.g. travel, clothing), other leisure complements (food in, home heating). We explore which components of household expenditure drive the fall that we have documented. We use data from the 2002 Survey of Family Budgets: this contains no information on eligibility, but detailed information on household expenditures.ZR/Work-Related Expenses We compare expenditures for households whose head s age is 50-54 and 65-69. Heads in the latter group are mostly retired, mostly employed in the former group. The comparison is corrected for composition differences with respect to region of residence, number of equivalent adults and size of the main residence. Support issues turn out to be of no concern. The overall drop is 15.6% : 50% larger than the estimated retirement consumption drop (9.8%). A third of the drop is due to age, two thirds to retirement.|</3=3@Q. S0Work-Related Expenses Total difference is - 241 euros (-15.6%). Mostly accounted for by meals out (-36), clothing (-58), transport (-76). Overall 170 out of 241  drop is accounted for by  work-related expenses . Our estimates imply that consumption should fall by 151 Euros because of eligibility-induced retirement. Work-related expenses are less important for manual workers (canteen meals and overalls normally provided by the employer  public transport is heavily subsidized). This may explain why there is no drop for the poverty sample! T1 Conclusions IWe estimate that non-durable consumption falls by 9.8% in Italy because of retirement. This drop is lower than in the US (14 %) but comparable to the UK (8%-10%, non-durable consumption). Our estimates can be reconciled with utility optimization: in the cross section, drop in work-related expenses is large enough to explain it./D`abcdefghi j k l m nopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ !"#$%&; 0 ::K e:(   -: Z    #"2&S]MJKZq  '   <T ?V   \40*("     < ?& V  c 58 and 35* ( "   ~  < ?A &  \38*("   }  <0 ? A   c 57 and 35* ( "   |  <  ?   \38*("   {  <H ?   c 57 and 35* ( "   z  < ?   ]2004 ( "   y  <$ ?V   \40*("   x  < ?& V  c 58 and 35* ( "   w  <} ?A &  \37*("   v  <k ? A  c 56 and 35* ( "   u  <[ ?  \37*("   t  <I ?   c 57 and 35* ( "   s  <8 ?   ]2003 ( "   r  <) ?Vg   \40*("   q  <p ?&g V  c 58 and 35* ( "   p  <d ?A g &  \37*("   o  << ? g A  c 55 and 35* ( "   n  <P ?g  \37*("   m  <8 ?g   c 57 and 35* ( "   l  <L ?g   ]2002 ( "   k  < ?Vg  \40*("   j  <\ ?&Vg  c 58 and 35* ( "   i  < ?A &g  \37*("   h  < ? A g  c 55 and 35* ( "   g  <o ? g  \37*("   f  <_ ?g  c 56 and 35* ( "   e  <O ?g  ]2001 ( "   d  <? ?V$ \40*("   c  </ ?&$V c 57 and 35* ( "   b  <p ?A $& \37*("   a  < ? $A  c 54 and 35* ( "   `  < ?$  \37*("   _  < ?$ c 55 and 35* ( "   ^  < ?$ _2000 *("   ]  <t ?V+$ \40*("   \  <P ?&+V$ c 57 and 35* ( "   [  < ?A +&$ \37*("   Z  < ? +A $ c 53 and 35* ( "   Y  < ?+ $ \37*("   X  <t ?+$ c 55 and 35* ( "   W  < d ?+$ _1999 *("   V  <PT ?V~+ \40*("   U  <,D ?&~V+ c 57 and 35* ( "   T  <3 ?A ~&+ \36*("   S  <! ? ~A + c 53 and 35* ( "   R  < ?~ + \36*("   Q  < ?~+ c 54 and 35* ( "   P  <X ?~+ ]1998 ( "   O  Z< ?VZ~ |0Self  Employed Seniority "  D N  Z ?&ZV~ Self-employed Age & SeniorityL 1  """$   = M  Z ?A Z&~ Public Sector SeniorityL 1  "" "$    D L  ZX ? ZA ~ Public Sector Age & SeniorityL 1  """$    K  Z ?Z ~PH@___PPT9" Private Sector SeniorityX 1 "" "$    J  ZX ?Z~RJB___PPT9$ Private Sector Age & SeniorityZ  " """$   I  ZDw ?Z~ kYear 6 ""  `B   08c ?ZZ`B   08c ?  TB   c $ ?Z TB   c $ ?Z `B   01 ?~~TB   c $ ?Z TB   c $ ?Z TB   c $ ? Z  TB   c $ ?A ZA  TB   c $ ?&Z& TB   c $ ?VZV TB   c $ ?++TB   c $ ?$$TB   c $ ?TB   c $ ?g g TB   c $ ?  TB A  c $ ?  H   0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.B]+D=' '= @B +rF$G\)"$"1.(m _A F nEquation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 EquationGrafico MSGraph.Chart.804Grafico di Microsoft Graph!Equation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 Equation}-Equation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 Equation8Equation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 EquationKEquation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 EquationLEquation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 EquationMEquation Equation.DSMT40*MathType 5.0 Equation`/ 0DTimes New RomanTTrܖ 0ܖDArialNew RomanTTrܖ 0ܖ"@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` @ S          ! %  - / 3476:;>@BCEFKMNP$QRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~2$ae7 ;'2$e' KCc02$(3jC9XkN2$6<"CX%b$o|[7,9< 6b$J3D!5C2$ʍ>H Jo0 "$$oyu)HF ~<2$ez,k.H2$Wוd➫ IvL2$K l\7"I q4P2$x(oQȧ+T2$kkS x9V$2$RF gmxZ 0AA@3f@ ʚ;Nh8ʚ;g4EdEd\ 0ppp@ <4dddd w 0Tr<4BdBd w 0TrH<4!d!d w 0Tria___PPT10A pp. Casa.6?  %O  =sI,7 How Large is the Retirement Consumption Drop in Italy?88(>Erich Battistin Agar Brugiavini Enrico Rettore Guglielmo Weber?P?4 0 Motivation  According to the life-cycle permanent income Hp consumers decide how much to consume, keeping in mind their future prospects They form intertemporal plans aimed at smoothing the (discounted) marginal utility of consumption over the life cycle Any period to period change in the actual level of the marginal utility of consumption is uncorrelated with past information available to the household. That is, it should be a result of unpredictable shocks. T33Z5 Motivation  This holds true also around retirement age: any change in the marginal utility of consumption should be uncorrelated with planned retirement behaviour. Recent micro evidence has emphasized that there is a one-off drop in consumption at the time of retirement that might be hard to reconcile with life-time optimizing behaviour (see for example Banks et al., 1998, Bernheim et al., 2001). This is known as the retirement consumption puzzle {33>  &H[6 Motivation JSome possible reasons mentioned in the literature: changes in preferences due to increased leisure shocks inducing retirement and affecting the level of consumption reduction in work-related expenditures (transport, meals out, clothing) increase in home production of services and/or more efficient purchases unexpectedly low pensions or liquidity problems (not in Italy, though  think of severance pay - liquidazione!) N3s~3  >!What Others Have DoneBanks, Blundell and Tanner (1998) use repeated cross section data from the FES  they estimate log-linear Euler equations from cohort data by IV (using lagged interest rates, consumption and income growth as instruments) and find unexplained negative residuals around typical male retirement ages (60-67). The largest residual obtains at age 63 (1.5%). Altogether, cumulated residual are in the 8-10% region. Non-separabilities between leisure and consumption can explain only part of the drop. >PP&32   D?"What Others Have DoneBernheim, Skinner and Weinberg (2001) use panel data from the PSID to estimate Euler equations. Retirement status is instrumented by taking age-specific predicted probabilities conditional on demographics (however cannot explain spikes at ages 62 and 65). Median drop is 14%, but higher for low wealth Sample is split in groups: low wealth-to-income households drop their consumption most.  31% of households reduce their consumption by at least 35 percentage points at retirement .HZ* 33Y4What Others Have DonePossible explanations and related literature: Many workers are surprised by inadequate resources when they retire (not consistent with life-cycle model & rational expectations). Work related expenses. Home production and/or more efficient shopping (Aguiar and Hurst, 2005, Hurd and Rohwedder, 2006). Miniaci et al (2003) estimate by OLS the Italian retirement consumption drop at 5.4%. 0.ZUZ,WP  P What We Do An alternative identification strategy: we estimate the change in consumption at retirement by exploiting the exogenous variability in the retirement decision induced by the eligibility rules of the Italian pension system. Information on consumption expenditures, eligibility for retirement and retirement status is obtained from the Bank of Italy Survey on Household Income and Wealth (SHIW). No need of panel data to achieve identification.JZ&33/ Punch-line Key result: household non-durable consumption drops by 9.8% because of male retirement. A larger drop estimated for total food (14.1%). Our strategy provides non-parametric identification only for a subpopulation of those who retire (those who retire at the time they become eligible). We estimate smaller drops for  poverty sample . Our estimates can be reconciled with utility optimization - in the cross section, drop in work-related expenses and leisure substitutes is large enough to explain changes in consumption. Z Z  3393The Causal ProblemLet S* be a variable denoting time to/from eligibility for retirement, negative values indicate that the subject is not yet eligible. Let R be the retirement status, R=1 for the retired and R=0 otherwise. Since retirement is an option available only to the eligible workers, the probability to retire is zero if S*<0 (and it is thus discontinuous at S*=0 ). Let (Y1,Y0) be the two potential household consumption expenditures corresponding to the head being retired or not retired, respectively, and let =Y1-Y0 . Let Y = Y0+R be observed consumption, where Ya"Y1 for households whose head is retired and Ya"Y0 otherwise.n333E333x %  33333  3"O&333333333 & 3 "  & 3 . 3& "  "  "  & 3 . 3 " J+Identification in a nutshell,Start by comparing expenditures for households marginally close to S*=0; since Y = Y0+R we have that Consider the difference around eligibility: f,/333333&3 3, " BT Identification in a nutshellKey identifying restriction (the mean consumption profile under the no-retirement alternative is smooth enough at zero): The result rests upon a weak regularity condition: if none of the heads were to retire no discontinuity in household consumption would take place at the time they become eligible (i.e. at S*=0)  see Hahn et al. (2001) and Battistin and Rettore (2006). This amounts to assuming that any idiosyncratic shocks relevant to the retirement choice and correlated with Y0 (e.g. health shocks) do not occur selectively at either side of the eligibility threshold. H`3  _,[  Identification in a nutshellBy using simple algebra we have: Estimators of the causal effect of retirement on consumption are analogue estimators obtained by replacing the quantities in the last expression by their empirical counterparts. Following Imbens and Angrist (1994) and Hanh et al. (2001), it can be shown that this expression coincides with the IV estimator obtained by instrumenting the endogenous variable R with the eligibility status defined from S*. %ZZZ!A > \7Endogeneity of S**. The S* variable may be the outcome of individual choices (time to enter the labour market, temporary exits, etc). This might casts doubts that our identification strategy is marred by an endogeneity problem. Consider the regression we use to get the numerator of the IV estimate (the reduced form): Y= 0 + 1 S* + 2 S*2 + 3 1(S*>0) + The mean of Y conditional on S* is: E{Y|S*} = 0 + 1 S* + 2 S*2 + 3 1(S*>0) + E{|S*} where the last term does not vanish if S* is endogenous. +Z'Z%Z5Z;Z %3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3333 & 3 "  *  " 333&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3&3.3333&3.3  3$"$$&$3$"$$*$$"$(( jLi e        ]8Endogeneity of S* . Nonetheless, the numerator of the IV estimand: E{Y|S* =0+}-E{Y|S* =0-} is not biased for 3, the drop in consumption at the eligibility cut-off point, provided that: E{|S*=0+}=E{|S*=0-}. Our identifying restriction is that the dependence between the unobservables  and S* is not discontinuously changing at the cut-off for eligibility. /ZZ`ZZZZZZ4"*"*"*"*"" "&3.3&3J"3&3.3&3.3  3&3.3&3.33M"*"&38" " $$        B      ^9Data>The Reform Process@Two major reforms in 1992 (Amato) and 1995 (Dini) Gradually moving from defined benefit to (notionally) defined contribution Lots of additional minor changes have been made nearly every year since 1992 Further changes will take place in 2008 (restrictions on early retirement)R)    x  G)C%The measurement of eligibilityD&The measurement of eligibility$ H*  Retirement by Eligibility Status!! Measurement ErrorOWe observe a non-negligible fraction of retired individuals amongst the ineligibles (this regardless of having imputed the eligibility variable for some individuals): this we take as evidence of measurement error in the data. Measurement error bias in the estimation of causal parameters can be severe (see, for example, Battistin and Chesher, 2004). Misclassification of the retirement status R is unlikely to be important, as retired individuals are asked a detailed set of questions on their pension. Measurement error in the eligibility variable S* is most likely to be the explanation. hP (OMeasurement ErrorBased on what we observe in the data, measurement error in S* can not be classical. If S=S*+u, with u a zero-mean error orthogonal to S* we would not observe any discontinuity in the proportion of retired individual s at the cut-off point. A type of measurement error consistent with the discontinuity in the raw probability of R=1 we observe in the data is: where Z is an indicator for having S= S* and U is a classical measurement error.JiPRP< + ZY  %       # &Measurement ErrorParameter of interest BZ33P- Estimation :lA key feature of the Italian pension system is that many individuals retire as soon as they become eligible mml  :fFirst Stage E{R|S} = 0 + 1 S + 2 S2 + 3 1(S>0) 4 3 "*"*"*"*"* ;hReduced Form E{Y|S} = 0 + 1 S + 2 S2 + 3 1(S>0) 5 3 "  "  "  "     (Estimation resultsX3Estimation results.Specification testsIdentification strategy requires no change at S* = 0 in variables that affect consumption but are not affected by eligibility status. We show that this condition is met by education, age, size of the main residence and proportion of couples Exclusion restriction: family size. This is negatively affected by retirement induced by eligibility (-0.30). In particular, number of grown children cohabiting with their parents falls (-0.25). Possible explanation: individuals retire as soon as they become eligible as a way to let their children move out (they give them part of their severance pay) Hence actual consumption drop is even smaller than 9.8%!Z<Economic InterpretationIn the US, consumption drop is largest among the low pre-retirement wealth (BSW). We estimate a pre-eligibility wealth equation, and use it to predict for the whole sample (w_fit). We show this measure does not change at S*=0. We select those households who w_fit is in the bottom third (w_poor). We call this  poverty sample We estimate small and insignificant effects of eligibility-induced retirement for this poverty sample Our estimated consumption drop is unlikely to be due to lack of financial resources!bZ3P33>P;Back of the Envelope StuffA causal effect of retirement on consumption expenditures is not surprising per se. The question is whether this is consistent with life-time optimizing behavior. A consumption drop can occur if utility is not additively separable in consumption and leisure: since leisure increases abruptly at retirement, consumption increases or decreases depending on how leisure affects the marginal utility of consumption. For instance, if utility is Cobb-Douglas in male leisure and non-durable consumption, and individuals work full time prior to retirement, our estimated 9.8% consumption drop implies an elasticity of intertemporal substitution of 0.84XZ= y6=Work-Related ExpensesOne good model is restrictive: Some goods are leisure substitutes (e.g. food out) or work-related (e.g. travel, clothing), other leisure complements (food in, home heating). We explore which components of household expenditure drive the fall that we have documented. We use data from the 2002 Survey of Family Budgets: this contains no information on eligibility, but detailed information on household expenditures.ZR/Work-Related Expenses We compare expenditures for households whose head s age is 50-54 and 65-69. Heads in the latter group are mostly retired, mostly employed in the former group. The comparison is corrected for composition differences with respect to region of residence, number of equivalent adults and size of the main residence. Support issues turn out to be of no concern. The overall drop is 15.6% : 50% larger than the estimated retirement consumption drop (9.8%). A third of the drop is due to age, two thirds to retirement.|</3=3@Q. S0Work-Related Expenses Total difference is - 241 euros (-15.6%). Mostly accounted for by meals out (-36), clothing (-58), transport (-76). Overall 170 out of 241  drop is accounted for by  work-related expenses . Our estimates imply that consumption should fall by 151 Euros because of eligibility-induced retirement. Work-related expenses are less important for manual workers (canteen meals and overalls normally provided by the employer  public transport is heavily subsidized). This may explain why there is no drop for the poverty sample! T1 Conclusions IWe estimate that non-durable consumption falls by 9.8% in Italy because of retirement. This drop is lower than in the US (14 %) but comparable to the UK (8%-10%, non-durable consumption). Our estimates can be reconciled with utility optimization: in the cross section, drop in work-related expenses is large enough to explain it./D`abcdefghi j k l m nopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ !"#$%&? 0 pxO(  x x N$zKX&KX&    z r* +++AAVV  x NzKX&KX&  l z t* +++AAVVd x c $ ?A b z[ x NܕzKX&KX& qo z uFare clic per modificare gli stili del testo dello schema Secondo livello Terzo livello Quarto livello Quinto livello:v x TězKX&KX&    z r* +++AAVV x TzKX&KX&  l z t* +++AAVVH x 06g ? 3380___PPT10.v0F0 pP(    N|"XeXe    " f*   aa  N"XeXe  l " h*   aa  Tp"XeXe    " f*   aa  Tt"XeXe  l " h*   aaH  06g ? 3380___PPT10.0@t=, 0 |,(  |^ | S xA b  z | c $`zxqo  z "H | 06g ? 3380___PPT10.vXF 0 ,(  ^  S xA b  X  c $Xxqo  X "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.v0߮F5 0 ,(  ^  S xA b  X  c $Xxqo  X "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.v0߮F6 0 ,(  ^  S xA b  X  c $qXxqo  X "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.veF! 0 ,(  ^  S xA b  X  c $.xqo  X "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.vpF" 0 ,(  ^  S xA b  X  c $Xxqo  X "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.vsF4 0 ,(  ^  S xA b  X  c $\Xxqo  X "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.vF 0 ,(  ^  S xA b  X  c $Xxqo  X "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.vF 0 ,(  ^  S xA b  X  c $tXxqo  X "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.vPF 0 ,(  ^  S xA b  X  c $Xxqo  X "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.vКF+ 0  ,(  ^  S xA b  X  c $Xxqo  X "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.vPF  0 0,(  ^  S xA b  X  c $8Xxqo  X "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.vF  0 @,(  ^  S xA b  X  c $Xxqo  X "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.vF7 0 P,(  ^  S xA b  X  c $Xxqo  X "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.vpVF8 0 `,(  ^  S xA b  X  c $ zxqo  X "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.vF9 0 p,(  ^  S xA b  X  c $Hzxqo  z "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.vF% 0 ,(  ^  S xA b  X  c $Xxqo  X "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.vcF) 0 ,(  ^  S xA b  X  c $tXxqo  X "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.vcF& 0 ,(  ^  S xA b  X  c $"xqo  X "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.vcF 0 ,(  ^  S xA b  "  c $"xqo  " "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.vF* 0 ,(  ^  S xA b  "  c $ "xqo  " "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.v@F  0 ,(  ^  S xA b  "  c $"xqo  " "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.v+F  0 ,(  ^  S xA b  "  c $"xqo  " "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.vF 0 ,(  ^  S xA b  "  c $"xqo  " "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.v 9F 0 ,(  ^  S xA b  "  c $ "xqo  " "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.v`FF- 0 ,(  ^  S xA b  "  c $&"xqo  " "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.v`FF 0  ,(  ^  S xA b  "  c $,"xqo  " "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.vF 0 0,(  ^  S xA b  "  c $0"xqo  " "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.vSF 0 @,(  ^  S xA b  "  c $6"xqo  " "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.v@F3 0 P,(  ^  S xA b  "  c $<"xqo  " "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.vF 0 `,(  ^  S xA b  "  c $A"xqo  " "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.v nF/ 0 p,(  ^  S xA b  "  c $F"xqo  " "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.v nF. 0 ,(  ^  S xA b  "  c $L"xqo  " "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.vF0 0 ,(  ^  S xA b  "  c $xR"xqo  " "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.vF1 0 ,(  ^  S xA b  "  c $@X"xqo  " "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.vF: 0  ,(   ^   S xA b  "   c $^"xqo  " "H   06g ? 3380___PPT10.v@%(; 0 8(  d  c $xA b  "  s *c"xqo  " "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.v nF(< 0 8(  d  c $xA b  "  s *i"xqo  " "H  06g ? 3380___PPT10.v nF(= 0  $8(  $d $ c $xA b  " $ s *Hj"xqo  " "H $ 06g ? 3380___PPT10.v nFr^Aw_@p}7[LJ3W{Ö /Sw+Os߶'Ko#S:1Root EntrydO)Pv-w PicturesdCurrent User#SummaryInformation(LT      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|}~{  !"#layName3M4g12eoNezTpptjjxb@sem.tsinghua.edu.cnChina Journal of EconomicsPowerPoint Document(/DocumentSummaryInformation8_0  ՜.+,D՜.+,    Presentazione su schermod(' -Times New RomanArialStruttura predefinitaMathType 5.0 EquationGrafico di Microsoft Graph8 How Large is the Retirement Consumption Drop in Italy? Motivation Motivation MotivationWhat Others Have DoneWhat Others Have DoneWhat Others Have Done What We Do Punch-lineThe Causal ProblemIdentification in a nutshellIdentification in a nutshellIdentification in a nutshellEndogeneity of S*Endogeneity of S*DataThe Reform ProcessDiapositiva 18The measurement of eligibilityThe measurement of eligibilityDiapositiva 21Diapositiva 22!Retirement by Eligibility StatusMeasurement ErrorMeasurement ErrorMeasurement Error EstimationmA key feature of the Italian pension system is that many individuals retire as soon as they become eligible 8First Stage E{R|S} = α0 + α1 S + α2 S2 + α3 1(S>0) 9Reduced Form E{Y|S} = δ0 + δ1 S + δ2 S2 + δ3 1(S>0) Estimation resultsEstimation resultsSpecification testsEconomic InterpretationBack of the Envelope StuffWork-Related ExpensesWork-Related ExpensesDiapositiva 38Work-Related Expenses Conclusions Caratteri utilizzatiModello strutturaServer OLE incorporatiTitoli diapositive(@ 4p_AdHocReviewCycleID_EmailSubject _AuthorEmail_AuthorEmailDisp