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Title/AffiliationAssociate Professor ofMarketing,Stern School of Business,New York University

Visiting Professor of Marketing at Cheung Kong GSB

Research Interests:Personalized and Database Marketing,Retailing and Pricing Strategies,Bayesian Econometrics Models,Experimental Economics


Journal Articles


1、Yuxin Chen, Z. John Zhang.Dynamic Targeted Pricing with Strategic Consumers. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2009, 27(1): 43-50. (Database:Elsevier)

2、Yuxin Chen, Yogesh V. Joshi, Jagmohan S. Raju, Z. John Zhang.A Theory of Combative Advertising. Marketing Science, 2009, 28(1): 1-19. (Database:Highwire Press Informs)


3、Pradeep Bhardwaj, Yuxin Chen, David Godes.Buyer-Initiated vs. Seller-Initiated Information Revelation. Management Science, 2008, 54(6): 1104-1114. (Database:Highwire Press Informs)

4、Yuxin Chen, Sha Yang, Ying Zhao.A Simultaneous Model of Consumer Brand Choice and Negotiated Price. Management Science, 2008, 54(3): 538-549. (Database:Highwire Press Informs)


5、Yuxin Chen, Sha Yang.Estimating Disaggregate Models Using Aggregate Data Through Augmentation of Individual Choice. Journal of Marketing Research, 2007, 44(4): 613-621. (Database:EBSCO BSP)

6、Julian Villanueva, Pradeep Bhardwaj, Sridhar Balasubramanian, Yuxin Chen.Customer relationship management in competitive environments: The positive implications of a short-term focus. Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2007, 5(2): 99-129. (Database:Proquest)

7、Yuxin Chen, Jinhong Xie.Cross-Market Network Effect with Asymmetric Customer Loyalty: Implications for Competitive Advantage. Marketing Science, 2007, 26(1): 52-66. (Database:Proquest)


8、Chuan He, Yuxin Chen.Managing e-Marketplace: A Strategic Analysis of Nonprice Advertising. Marketing Science, 2006, 25(2): 175-187,200. (Database:Proquest)


9、Yuxin Chen, Sridhar Moorthy, Z. John Zhang.Research Note-Price Discrimination After the Purchase: Rebates as State-Dependent Discounts. Management Science, 2005,51(7): 1131-1140. (Database:Proquest)


10、Yuxin Chen, K. Sudhir.When Shopbots Meet Emails: Implications for Price Competition on the Internet. Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2004, 2(3): 233-255. (Database:Proquest)


11、Robert Shoemaker, Debanjan Mitra, Yuxin Chen, Skander Essegaier.A Comment on "Price-Endings When Prices Signal Quality".Management Science, 2003, 49(12): 1753-1758. (Database:Proquest)

12、Sha Yang, Yuxin Chen, Greg M. Allenby.Bayesian Analysis of Simultaneous Demand and Supply. Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2003, 1(3): 251-275. (Database:Proquest)

13、Sha Yang, Yuxin Chen, Greg M. Allenby.Reply to Comments on "Bayesian Analysis of Simultaneous Demand and Supply". Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2003, 1(3): 299-304. (Database:Proquest)


14、Yuxin Chen, Ganesh Iyer, V. Padmanabhan.Referral infomediaries. Marketing Science, 2002, 21(4): 412-434. (Database:Proquest)

15、Yuxin Chen, Ganesh Iyer.Consumer addressability and customized pricing. Marketing Science, 2002, 21(2): 197-208. (Database:Proquest)


16、Yuxin Chen, Chakravarthi Narasimhan, Z. John Zhang.Research note: Consumer heterogeneity and competitive price-matching guarantees. Marketing Science, 2001, 20(3): 300-314. (Database:Proquest)

17、Yuxin Chen, Chakravarthi Narasimhan, Z. John Zhang.Individual marketing with imperfect targetability. Marketing Science, 2001, 20(1): 23-41. (Database:Proquest)


18、Yuxin Chen, James D. Hess, Ronald T. Wilcox, Z. John Zhang.Accounting profits versus marketing profits: A relevant metric for category management. Marketing Science, 1999, 18(3): 208-229. (Database:Proquest)