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2009年5月5日讲座者Craig Prichard发表学术期刊论文索引


Title/AffiliationSenior Lecturer,Department of Management,College of Business at Massey University in New Zealand

Affiliation:Organizational Political Economy,Organizational Change,Organizational discourse,Music in and around organization and in work environments,Social movements and organizational change


Journal Articles


1、Craig Prichard.Three Moves for Engaging Students in Critical Management Studies. Management Learning, 2009,40(1): 51-68. (Database:Sage Premier 2008)


2、Craig Prichard, Marek Korczynski, Michael Elmes.Music at Work: An Introduction. Group & Organization Management, 2007,32(1): 4-21. (Database: ABI/INFORM Global)


3、Craig Prichard.The Organization of Organizational Discourse. Management Communication Quarterly: McQ, 2006,20(2): 213-226. (Database: ABI/INFORM Global)

4、Craig Prichard.Global Politics, Academic Dispositions, and the Tilting of Organizational Communication: a Provocation to a Debate. Management Communication Quarterly: McQ, 2006,19(4): 638-644.

(Database: ABI/INFORM Global)


5、Craig Prichard.Challenging Academic Imperialism: Some Tactics for Constructing an Organizational Communication of the Elsewhere. Management Communication Quarterly: McQ, 2005,19(2): 270-278.

(Database: ABI/INFORM Global)

6、Prichard, Craig.Blood on the tracks: Critically re‐reading a government occupational health and safety inquiry. Culture & Organization, 2005,11(2): 97-110. (Database: EBSCO BSP)


7、Craig Prichard.Tacit Knowledge in Organizations / Knowledge in Organizations: Access to Thinking at Work. Management Learning, 2002,33(1): 127-130. (Database: ABI/INFORM Global)


8、Craig Prichard, Rosemary Deem.Wo-managing further education; gender and the construction of the manager in the corporate colleges of England. Gender and Education, 1999,11(3): 323-342. (Database: Proquest ARL)


9、Craig Prichard, Hugh Willmott.Just how managed is the McUniversity?.Organization Studies, 1997,18(2): 287-316. (Database: EBSCO BSP)


10、Craig Prichard.A commentary and response on 'Blackler: Knowledge, Knowledge Work and Organizations: An Overview and Interpretation. Organization Studies, 1996,17(5): 857-860. (Database: EBSCO BSP)