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【主讲人】Burgelman, Robert A(Stanford大学商学院讲席教授)

【时间】2007-3-8 15:00-17:00

【地点】伟伦楼 北501 教室


【主办】 技术经济与管理系,企业战略与政策系



Robert A. Burgelman is the Edmund W. Littlefield Professor of Management

and Director of the Stanford Executive Program of the Stanford

University Graduate School of Business. Professor Burgelman joined

Stanford Business School in 1981 and teaches courses in Strategic

Management and Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation. Since

1992 he has been co-teaching the course “Strategy and Action in the

Information Processing Industry”, together with the Chairman of Intel

Corporation. Before joining Stanford, he was on the Faculties of Antwerp

University-UFSIA (1970-73)) and New York University (1978-81).

Professor Burgelman is the author of many articles on the

strategy-making process, internal corporate venturing, corporate

entrepreneurship, strategic business exit, and technology strategy,

which have appeared in leading academic journals. He is co-author of

Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation (4th edition,

McGraw-Hill-Irwin, 2004), the leading textbook in the field. Most

recently, he is coauthor of Strategic Dynamics: Concepts and Cases

(McGraw-Hill, 2006), which captures much of the material developed for

the MBA elective course called “Strategy and Action in the Information

Processing industry,” which he developed and co-taught with Andy Grove

since 1992.

Robert Burgelman carries out longitudinal field-based research on the

role of strategy in firm evolution. He has examined how companies enter

into new businesses (through corporate entrepreneurship and internal

corporate venturing as well as through acquisition) and leave others

(through strategic business exit), and how success may lead to

co-evolutionary lock-in with the environment. His research has focused

on organizations where strategic action is distributed among multiple

levels of management. He has written some 100 case studies of companies

in many different technology-based industries. He currently focuses on

the challenges posed by nonlinear strategic dynamics.