Management Science and Engineering


HUANG Jinghua

Department of Management Science and Engineering    Professor


Office:B409 Lihua Building

Office Hours:Thursday afternoon

Educational Background

  • 2000-2004   Ph.D. in MIS, School of Economics & Management, Tsinghua University,  Beijing, China
  • 1986-1988   M.S. in MIS, School of Economics & Management, Tsinghua University,  Beijing, China
  • 1981-1986   B.S. in MIS, School of Economics & Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing,  China


Work Experience

  • 2004-present   Professor, Department of Management Science and Engineering, School of  Economics & Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
  • 2003-2016       Vice Chair, Department of Management Science and Engineering
  • 1996-2004       Associate Professor, Department of Management Science and Engineering, School  of Economics & Management, Tsinghua University
  • 1988-1996       Assistant Professor, Department of Management Science and Engineering, School  of Economics & Management, Tsinghua University

  • 2/2009-3/2009     Visiting Scholar at Business School, University of British Columbia, Canada
  • 8/2001-12/2001   Visiting Scholar at Sloan Management School, Massachusetts Institute of  Technology, U.S.A
  • 8/1997-5/1998     Fulbright Scholar, University of Illinois-Champaign-Urbana, U.S.A
  • 5/1994-9/1994     Visiting Scholar, University of Waterloo, Canada

  • 2005-present CNAIS membership

  • 2002-present AIS membership

  • 2014-present Special Committee on Ecomonic and Management Systems of Chinese Association of Automation



Artificial Intelligence, Electronic Business, Operations Research, MIS, Expert Systems and DSS, Systems Analysis and Design


Research Areas

Business value of Information Technology/e-Business, Social Media, Business Model of Internet



[1] Lv, Zh.P., Huang, J.H., et al. Usage and performance of enterprise micro-blogging: From the perspective of resource-based view theory. Handbook of Research on Technology Adoption, Social Policy, and Global Integration, edited by Khosrow-Pour. IGI Global, International Publisher of Information Science and Technology Research, Hershey, Pennsylvania. 2017, ISSN: 2327-3429,pp.229-257.

[2] Huang, J.H. Critical Success Factors for Electronic Commerce Systems of Enterprises. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2009 (in Chinese). ISBN: 978-7-302-18958-9.

[3] Huang, J.H. and Wen, Zh. Electronic Business. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2010 (in Chinese). ISBN: 978-7302-20115-1.

[4] Huang, J.H. Electronic Business. Taiwan: Wu-Nan Culture Enterprise Press, 2001 (in Chinese). ISBN: 957-11-2506-7

[5] Huang, J.H. Electronic Commerce. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 1999 (in Chinese). ISBN: 7-302-03656-X.

[6] Huang, J.H. Executive's Guide to E-Business: From Tactics to Strategy (M. V. Deise, C. Nowikow, P. King, A. Wright), Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2001 (Translated into Chinese). ISBN:7-302-04816-9/F.366  

[7] Chen, G.Q., Chen, Y., and Huang, J.H. Frontiers of Information Systems Research and Applications in China (Proceedings of 2005 CNAIS Conference), Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2005. ISBN: 7-302-12052-8

[8] Huang, J.H., Wang, K.L., et al. Information Technology Adoption: Theories and Practice in China (Proceedings of 2006 CNAIS Conference). Chengdu: UESTCP, 2006. ISBN7-81114-286-4/TN.13

Journal papers (in English)

[1] Yu,Y.F., Yang,Y., Huang,J.H., Tan, Y. Unifying algorithmic and theoretical perspectives: Emotions in online reviews and sales. MIS Quarterly, 2023,47(1):127-160.

[2] Jin, Y., Tan,Y., Huang,J.H. Managing contributor performance in knowledge-sharing communities: A dynamic perspective. Production and Operations Management, 2022,31(1):3945-3962.

[3] Huang,Y.L., Jin, Y., Huang, J.H. Impact of managerial responses on product sales: Examining the moderating role of competitive intensity and market position. Journal of AIS, 2021,22(2): 544-570.

[4] Lv, Zh.P., Jin, Y., Huang, J.H. MGC, consumer' engagement with MGC, WOM and consumers' purchase intention: the case of Weibo platform. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 2021,19:495-516.

[5] Song,T.T. ,Tang, Q., Huang,J.H. Triadic closure, homophily, and reciprocation: An empirical investigation of social ties between content providers. Information Systems Research, 2019, 30(3):912-926.

[6] Song,T.T, Huang, J.H., Tan, Y. , and Yu, Y.F. Using user- and marketer-generated content for box office revenue prediction: Differences between microblogging and third-party platforms. Information Systems Research, 2019, 30(1): 191-203.

[7] Li, Y.F., Huang, J.H., and Song, T.T. Examining business value of customer relationship management systems: IT usage and two-stage model perspectives. Information & Management, 2019, 56(3): 392-402

[8] Huang, J.H., Jin, Y., Wang, X. Y., and Zhang, J. The influence of enterprise miroblogging on consumer loyalty: A social identity perspective. Nankai Business Review Internaonal,2019,10(2): 259-276.

[9] Lv, Zh.P., Jin, Y., and Huang, J.H. How do sellers use live chat to influence consumer purchase decision in China? Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2018, 28(1): 102-113.

[10] Jin, Y. and Huang, J.H. Why do consumers participate in brand microblog? Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2017, 24:1-3.

[11] Song, T.T., Yi, Ch., Huang, J.H. Whose recommendations do you follow? An investigation of tie strength, shopping stage, and deal scarcity. Information & Management, 2017, 54(8):1072-1083.

[12] Huang, J.H., Zhang, J., Li, Y.F., and Lv, Z.P. Business value of enterprise micro-blogging: Empirical study from in Sina. Journal of Global Information Management, 2014,22(3):32-57.

[13] Yan, W., Huang, J. H. Microblogging reposting mechanism: An information adoption perspective. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2014,19(5):531-542.

[14] Zhang, L., Huang, J. H., and Xu, X. The impacts of ERP investments on firm performance: Evidence from manufacturing companies in China. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2012,17(3): 232-240.

[15] Zhang, L., Huang, J, H. An integration model of the impact of IT investment announcements on firm market value. International Business Research, 2012, 5(2):59-72.

[16] Zhang, L., Huang, J.H. The moderating factors in the relationship between ERP investments and firm performance. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 2012,53(2):75-84.

[17] Li, Y. F. and Huang, J. H. Risk and return of IT investment: Evidence from SCM and CRM announcements. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations, 2012,11(3-4):290-304.

[18] Zhang, J., Huang, J.H., Chen, J.Q.  Empirical research on user acceptance of mobile searches. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2010,15(2): 235-245.

[19] Huang, J. H., Jiang, X. M., and Tang, Q. An e-commerce performance assessment model: Its development and an initial test on e-commerce applications in the retail sector of China. Information & Management, 2009, 46(3): 100-108.  

[20] Zhang, L. and Huang, J.H. The review of empirical researches on IT investment announcements on market value of firms. International Journal of Business and Management, 2009, 4(10):14-27.

[21] Tang, Q. and Huang, J.H. Impact of web sites functions on e-Business success in Chinese wholesale and retail industries. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2008, 13(3):368-373.

[22] Huang, J.H., Zhao, C.J., Li, J.T. An empirical study on critical success factors for electronic commerce in the Chinese publishing industry. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2007,1(1):50-66.

[23] Huang, J.H. Exploratory study and empirical study on critical website success factors of Chinese publishing enterprises. International Journal of Management Science, 2005,11(3):109.

[24] Huang, J.H., Huang, W., Huang, H. An e-readiness assessment framework and two field studies. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 2004, 14: 364-386.

[25] Li, J.T. and Huang, J.H. An exploratory study of e-business success factors. Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2004, 2(3): 167-172.

[26] Huang, J.H. A quantitative method used in Negotiation Support Systems. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 1996, 31(3-4): 821-826.

Journal papers (in Chinese)

[1] Jiang, Y.Ch., Jin, Y., Huang, J.H. The cause and effect of social relations in the social Q & A community -- An empirical study from Zhihu. China Journal of Information Systems(信息系统学报), 2017, 8:13-222.

[2] Lv, Zh.P., Huang, J.H, and Jin,Y. The influence of marketer-generated content on user-generated content: Empirical study from enterprise microblogging on in Sina. China Journal of Information Systems(信息系统学报), 2016, 17: 67-83.

[3] Huang, J.H., Jin, Y. and Zhang, J. How can enterprise microblogging improve consumer loyalty? An empirical study based on social identity theory. Nankai Business Review(南开管理评论), 2016, 19(4):159-168.

[4] Yan, W., Huang, J.H., and Liu, D.D. From MGC to UGC: The influence of content to enterprise microblogging repost. China Journal of Information Systems(信息系统学报), 2014, 13:33-46.

[5] Zhang, J., Huang, J.H., Li, B., and Yan, W. Empirical research on enterprise microblogs’ word-of-mouth of Sina Weibo. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology)(必赢贵宾会3003am学报自然科学版), 2014, 54(5): 649-654.

[6] Huang, J.H., Zhang, L., and Li, Y.F. The moderating factors for the relationship between ERP investments and firm performance. Science of Science and Management of S. & T.(科学学与科学技术管理), 2013, 34(10): 130-141.

[7] Zhang, L., Huang, J.H., and Li, B. Impact of ERP on firm performance evaluated using the propensity score matching method. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology)(必赢贵宾会3003am学报自然科学版), 2013, 53(1):117-121.

[8] Liu, Z.L. and Huang, J.H. A review of information privacy research and development. Information Science(情报科学), 2012,30(8):1258-1262.

[9] Zhang, L. and Huang, J.H. Empirical study on the value of IT industry investment in view of event study. Journal of Management Science(管理科学), 2010, 23(4):104-111.

[10] Zhang, J., Huang, J.H., Gao, H. An integrated Model for evaluating IT value in firms from resource-based view. Science of Science and Management of S. & T.(科学学与科学技术管理), 2010, 31(2): 130-136.

[11] Cui, X. and Huang, J.H. Empirical study on the impact of the reputation systems on buy-it-now online transaction. Chinese Journal of Management(管理学报), 2010, 7(1):50-56.

[12] Huang, J.H. and Li, J.T. An empirical study on critical success factors for online-bank in Chinese banking industry. System Engineering Theory and Practice(系统工程理论与实践), 2008, 28(3):16-24.

[13] Jiang, X.M., Huang, J.H., and Wang, H. E-Commerce performance evaluation model and its application. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology) (必赢贵宾会3003am学报自然科学版), 2006, 46(S1):1019-1024.

[14] Huang, J.H., Zhao, C.J., and Li, J.T. Empirical study on critical success factors for electronic commerce systems in Chinese publishing industry. System Engineering Theory and Practice(系统工程理论与实践), 2006, 26(2): 27-35.

[15] Huang, J.H. and Zhao, C.J. The exploratory study on the method of establishing enterprise e-Business model. Journal of Tsinghua University (Philosophy and Social Science)(必赢贵宾会3003am学报哲学社会科学版), 2006, 21(1): 112-118.

[16] Chang, T., Huang, J.H., and Wang, L. Scenario-based object-oriented system analysis and design methodology. Computer Applications(计算机应用), 2004, 24(9):119-122.

[17] Huang, J.H., Wang, J., and Zhao, C. J. Comparative study on electronic business systems development methods. Computer Applications(计算机应用), 2004, 24(3): 124-127.

[18] Huang, J.H., Huang, H., and Zhao, C. J. The indicator system for enterprise e-readiness evaluation and its application. Journal of Tsinghua University (Philosophy and Social Science) (必赢贵宾会3003am学报哲学社会科学版), 2004, 19(3): 63-69.

[19] Huang, J.H. and Shi, R. E-business model and its application to import and export companies. Soft Science(软科学), 2004, 18(1): 85-88.

[20] Huang, J.H., Ma, H., and Zhao, C.J. Multi-agent negotiation model based on genetic algorithm in e-business. Journal of Management Sciences in China(管理科学学报), 2002, 5(6):17-23.

[21] Huang, J.H., Zhao, C. J., and Ma, H. Application of agents in supply chain environment of e-Business. Journal of Management Sciences in China(管理科学学报), 2001, 4(5):58-64.

[22] Huang, J.H. and Liu, G. Sh. GMCR and its application to Negotiation Support Systems. Systems Engineering-Theory and Practice(系统工程理论与实践), 2000, 20(2): 68-72.

[23] Huang, J.H. Efficient frontier of negotiation support systems (谈判支持系统有效边界). 中国科学技术文库(自动化技术、计算机科学技术),北京:科学技术出版社,1998, pp. 437-438.

[24] Hou, B.H. and Huang, J.H. Rediscussing MIS speciality in engineering universities. Journal of Industrial Engineering/ Engineering Management(管理工程学报), 1997, 11(1): 55-59.3

[25] Huang, J.H. and Conrath, D.W.  Additive scoring method used in commercial contract negotiation support systems. Journal of Management Sciences in China(决策与决策支持系统 后改名为管理科学学报), 1995, 5(1):81-86.

[26] Huang, J.H., Wang R. Trade network for small and middle sized companies. Chinese Journal of Management Science(中国管理科学), 1995, 3(2):16-22.

Conference Papers/Workshop Presentations (English)

[1] Huang, Y.L., and Huang, J.H, Goh, K.Y. Responding to reviews expressing different emotional arousal levels: The effect of managerial response on multi-dimensional ratings. ICIS 2020, India, December 13-16, 2020

[2] Jin, Y. Zheng,J.Y., Huang,J.H., and Tan,Y. Knowledge is like money: a demand estimation for paid-knowledge products.13th China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM), June 28-30,2019, Shenzhen.

[3] Yu,Y.F., Huang, J.H., and Tan, Y. The predictive power of discrete emotions in microblogging mssages: An empirical study in the movie industry. 13th China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM),  June 28-30, 2019,Shenzhen.

[4] Wang, X.Y. and Huang, J.H. Do pictures provided by consumers affect helpfulness of online review? Empirical evidence from catering review platform. 13th China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM), June 28-30,2019, Shenzhen.

[5] Jin,Y. Tan,Y. and Huang, J. H. How do social ties influence user-generated content? A dynamic perspective. The 28th Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS), Santa Clara, CA, December 2018.

[6] Jin, Y., Zheng, J.Y., Huang, J.H., and Yong Tan. Generating content under the “spotlight” of friends: a natural experiment. INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Phoenix, AZ, November 2018.

[7] Lv, Zh.P., Jin, Y.,and Huang,J.H. Impact of MGC and UGC on consumers’ purchase intention: the case of Weibo. The 16th Workshop on e-Business (WeB), Seoul, Korea, December 2017.

[8] Jin,Y. Huang, J. H.,and Tan,Y. Social ties and the quality of user-generated content. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, October 2017.

[9] Jin,Y. Huang, J. H., and Wang,X.Y. What influences content popularity? An empirical investigation of voting in social Q&A communities. The 21st Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Langkawi, Malaysia, July 2017.

[10] Jin, Y. Zheng,J.Y., Huang,J.H., and Tan,Y.  Learning by following: the role of social ties in influencing the quality of user-generated content. The 11th China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM), Nanjing, China, June 2017.

[11] Jin, Y. and Huang, J.H. Factors Influencing Consumers’ Participation in Enterprise Microblogs: A Multilevel Model. The Fifteenth Workshop on e-Business (WeB 2016), Dublin, Ireland, Dec.10, 2016.

[12] Lv, Zh.P., Wang ,X.Sh., Huang, J.H. Effect of instant messenger use on purchase decision of consumers: The role of communication quality and content. The Fifteenth Workshop on e-Business (WeB 2016), Dublin, Ireland, Dec.10, 2016.

[13] Song, T.T., Yi, Ch., and Huang, J.H. Do we follow friends or acquaintances? The effects of social recommendations at different shopping stages. The 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International 2014), Greece, pp.765-774.

[14] Sun, T., Song T.T., and Huang, J.H. Effect of microblogging and third-party word of mouth on product sales: Empirical study based on box office revenue of a movie. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2014, Chengdu.

[15] Huang, J.H., Zhang, J., Li, Y.F., and Lv, Zh.P. Business value of enterprise micro-blogs: Empirical study from in Sina. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2013, Korea.

[16] Li, Y. and Huang, J.H. A reexamination of event study in IT risk and return: Evidence from SCM and CRM announcements. 2011 Wu Han International conference on E-Business, Wu Han, pp.155-160.

[17] Huang, J.H., Liu, D. Factors influencing continuance of mobile virtual community: Empirical evidence from China and Korea. 8th IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, TianJin, 2011, pp.1090-1095.

[18] Zhang, C., Huang, J.H., et al. Research on adoption of mobile virtual community in China and Korea. 9th International Conference on Mobile Business/9th Global Mobility Roundtable, 2010, Greece, pp.220-229.

[19] Kim, J.W., Li, M, Iijima, J., Huang, J.H., and Chen, J. A comparative study of mobile services among China, Korea and Japan. Eighth International Conference on Mobile Business, Dalian, 2009, pp.347-352.

[20] Zhao, J. and Huang, J.H. An empirical research on Taobao: Seller reputation’s impact on auction price premium.  IEEE Symposium on Advanced Management of Information for Globalized Enterprises, Tianjin, 2008, pp.219-223.

[21] Huang, J.H., Jiang, X.M., and Zhang, L. Research model on e-Commerce systems performance measures. 5th IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, Melbourne, Australia, 2008, pp.593-597.

[22] Wei K.N., Huang. J.H., Fu, S.H. A survey of e-commerce recommender systems. The Fourth IEEE Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, Chengdu, 2007, pp.734-738.

[23] Tang, Q. and Huang, J.H.  A research model: Value drivers of B2C company website. The Third IEEE Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, Paris, 2006, pp.1604-1609.

[24] Lee, Ch. and Huang, J.H. Critical success factors for e-Commerce in Chinese commercial banks. Proceedings of 36th International Conference and Computers and Industrial Engineering, Taipai, 2006, pp.4449-4459.

[25] Huang, J.H., Wang, H., Zhao, Ch.J. E-commerce success factors: Exploratory and empirical research on the Chinese publishing industry. IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, Beijing, 2005, pp.465-471.

[26] Huang, J.H. and Lee, Ch. E-commerce critical success factors for Chinese enterprises: An Empirical research on the Publishing industry. Americas Conference on Information Systems 2005, Omaha, U.S., pp.275-284.

[27] Yang, L. and Huang, J.H. An exploratory study on the assessment model of e-government in China. Americas Conference on Information Systems 2004, New York, pp.585-593.

[28] Huang, J.H., Huang, H., Huang, W. and Zhao, C.J. An indicator system for assessing enterprise e-readiness and its application in Chinese retailing. Americas Conference on Information Systems 2003, Florida, pp.1109-1117.

[29] Huang, J.H., Wang, J., and et al. A comparative framework for EB systems development methodologies. IEEE Web Intelligence 2003, Halifax, pp.442-445.

[30] Wang, L., Huang, J.H., Wang, J., Zhao, Ch. Comparative research on design methodologies for e-business systems. The 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Florida, 2002,Volume XVIII: pp.116-121.

[31] Huang, J.H., Wang, H., Xiao, K. The value chain applied to online stores. Proceedings of World Computer Congress 2000, Information Technology for Business Management, Beijing, 2000, pp.387-390.

[32] Ma, H. and Huang, J.H. The application of agents in electronic business. Proceedings of World Computer Congress 2000, Information Technology for Business Management, Beijing, 2000, pp.543-546.

[33] Huang, J.H. Standards and models used in negotiation support systems of trade net. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Beijing, Part 3(of 4), 1996, pp.1843-45.



1. 2019 Excellent Achievement Awarded by the Association of China Information and Economy. Song,T.T, Huang, J.H. Young,T. , and Yu, Y.F. Using user- and marketer-generated content for box office revenue prediction: Differences between microblogging and third-party platforms. Information Systems Research, 2019, 30(1): 191-203

2. 2015 Best paper "The Cause and Effect of Social Relations in the Social Q & A Community--An Empirical Study from Zhihu", The Sixth CNAIS National Congress (Authors: Y.C. Jiang, Y. Jin, J.H. Huang)  

3. 2013 Best paper "Research on the Influencing Factors of Microblog Forward of Enterprise: Based on the Perspective of the Form and Content of the Blog Post",The Fifth CNAIS National Congress (Authors: DD Liu, J.H. Huang, W. Yan)

4. 2000 Excellent Achievement Award in Philosophy and Social Science in Beijing, “Electronic Business (in Chinese), Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 1999.” (2000 Excellent Achievement in Philosophy and Social Science, Beijing)
